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Jesse Lee Peterson: Obama Launching A 'Race War,' Keeping Black Americans In 'Bondage'

On the Monday edition of VCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio program, right-wing activist Jesse Lee Peterson spoke with host Jim Schneider about the “racial agitators” who are supposedly keeping black Americans in “bondage” by protesting the shooting of “thug” Michael Brown, and blamed Brown’s death on the way he was raised by his parents.

Depicting Obama as a great national divider who encourages disunity among racial groups, Peterson questioned why support of the president was still strong within the black community. “According to the polls that I’ve seen, about 86 percent of black people still support Barack Obama, knowing that he supports abortion on demand — if a baby should come out alive, let the baby down on the medical table. They know now that he supports homosexuality, same-sex marriage. They know that he’s a racist and that he hates Christians, he hates the Jews,” he said. “He never tries to unite the races but divide them with lies, rather than unite them with truth.”

Peterson then blamed Brown’s death on the teen and his parents, dismissing the idea that racism was at all a factor. “When Michael Brown decided that he was going to rob a store and attack a police officer, he decided that he was ready to die,” he continued. “That was his decision, and so I blame Michael Brown and I blame his parents who did not raise him right. They did not raise a good citizen, they raised a thug, and they failed him and it is there fault along with Michael Brown. It had nothing to do with race at all.”

After Schneider brought up several black members of Congress who took part in a demonstration protesting police brutality, Peterson accused civil rights advocates of fanning the flames of racial animosity in order to preserve their power: “We are eventually, short of a miracle from God, we are going to have a race war on our hands. And that’s what Obama and others want, so they can come in and just put us in bondage even more so.”

Peterson also attacked the people who attended “thug” Michael Brown’s “disgusting” funeral for having “talked about that guy as though he is Jesus Christ.”

“They sent out a message to the rest of the black children and youngins that you could be a thug and because a white man was involved in it, we’re going to honor you as though you are a hero,” he said. “If that wasn’t evil then I don’t know what is.”