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Jesse Lee Peterson: 'Black-On-White Violence' Today Worse Than The KKK

African-American Tea Party activist Jesse Lee Peterson has carved out a niche for himself in the movement by telling white Americans that they are living under a reverse Jim Crow under Barack Obama’s presidency.

Peterson brought that shtick to the digital radio show “ Talkback with Chuck Wilder” last week, telling Wilder that “reports of white people set on fire by black people” show that African Americans are the new KKK and are in fact now “worse than what white Americans were back in the past.”

Peterson explained that it is all part of a “spiritual battle between good and evil”:

When you judge evil, when you judge the person, you become like the person you hate. And black Americans have been wimping and whining about Jim Crow laws and the KKK, and most of them don’t know anything about it because they were not around anyway, they’re just going on hearsay. But over the years, they have not been corrected and so now they have become like the KKK and Jim Crow law.

For example, we have seen black Americans – not all, of course – but we have seen them attacking white Americans in the knock-out game. Hardly a day goes by now when some white person somewhere in this country is not being — I mean, they are being attacked by blacks, whether it’s on a metro rail in New York or Philadelphia or here in L.A. We see them killing whites, we see them burning some whites — there have been reports of white people set on fire by black people. And those are the same things that they have been complaining about for years. And instead of dropping their anger and forgiving the way Martin Luther King suggested, they have hated, and now they are worse than what white Americans were back in the past.

Later in the interview, Peterson insisted that instances of “white-on-black violence” are all made up “because it’s literally not happening.”

He went on to blame President Obama for making African Americans “feel that it’s right to attack white people”:

But I have to tell you it is awful when it comes to black-on-white violence, and it’s only going to get worse because Barack Obama, Eric Holder and others used that Ferguson situation and they have created an environment that gives black Americans confirmation or making them feel that it’s right to attack white people. And unfortunately most white people are afraid of being called racist and they are catering to black Americans, they are bringing out the worst in them, Chuck, and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better due to the fear of white Americans.