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Jesse Lee Peterson: Anyone Who Votes Democratic 'Hates God' and 'Loves Satan'

Right-wing commentator Jesse Lee Peterson kicked off his radio program this morning by heaping praise on President Trump for his State of the Union Address last night, while launching personal attacks on Democratic leaders and declaring that anyone who votes for a Democrat after last night "hates God" and "loves Satan."

Peterson said that Trump's speech reminded him of the good old days "when men where in charge" and they "didn't take any crap."

"Do you see the difference when a man is leading as opposed to when a woman is leading?" he asked. "Especially a liberal woman. It was the difference between night and day."

After declaring that Democrats "looked like defeated brats" who "demonstrated that they do not love America," Peterson attacked Rep. John Lewis as a "bug-eyed, fat black guy" who "looked like a dirty, old black trash man." Later, Peterson turned his attention to Stacey Abrams, who delivered the Democratic response, blasting her for having supposedly "forgotten to straighten her hair."

"She had this little nasty-looking nappy hair on her head like she just got out of the bathtub from washing her hair and didn't straighten it," Peterson carped. "Remember when black women used to ... know not to go outside looking like that? Stacey Abrams didn't straighten her hair. She left it nappy."

"And she's getting fat," he added. "She's just fat from the head to the toe."

"You could clearly see the difference between logical men and illogical women last night," Peterson concluded. "The Democratic Party is the party of death. They're the party of death, not of life. They want to kill God, they want to kill men, they want to kill women who are of God, they want to kill unborn children, and they want to kill children who are living already, that's why they corrupt their minds and their souls in the public schools. They don't want them to live, they want them to die and that was apparent last night. And if you didn't see it, may God have mercy on your soul. You are truly blind. Anyone who votes for the Democratic Party now, after last night, woe unto you. Really. Because you are deliberately voting for evil and your heart, your soul, hates God and hates good and it loves Satan, it loves evil."