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Jeffrey Kuhner: Gays and Lesbians ‘Are Even Worse Than the Radical Islamists’

Washington Times columnist and Edmund Burke Institute president Jeffrey Kuhner appeared on The Janet Mefferd Show yesterday where he said that members of the LGBT community “are even worse than the radical Islamists” and more terrifying than the dictators he often writes about, calling them “the most fanatical, hate-filled…and intolerant people I’ve ever met.”


Kuhner: As a journalist I write on a wide range of issues, I write on the Communist Chinese, I write on Putin’s regime, I write on brutal dictatorships over the world, the gay, lesbian, transgender community, the LGBT community, is the most intolerant than I have ever witnessed, they are even worse than the radical Islamists. I get death threats, my family is threatened, they call on me to be fired, they want to destroy my career. I have never seen people as intolerant, as malicious, as so desperate to engage in smear and slander and libel as people and activists in the LGBT community, it is really despicable. So for them to run around and say over and over again, all we want is tolerance, all we want is respect for diversity, all we want is respect for civil rights, it is a complete lie. They don’t practice what they preach, they are some of the most fanatical, hate-filled, and I’m choosing my words very carefully, and intolerant people I’ve ever met. I believe that Middle America does not understand the full threat posed by the homosexual agenda and the homosexual lobby.

Kuhner warned that the sitcom “Will and Grace” and romantic comedies that include “the loveable, fuzzy gay person,” which he claimed are “a form of cultural Marxism,” give “us very much a false picture” of the “vulgarity” that is “at the heart of the homosexual lifestyle”:

Kuhner: You wouldn’t believe the vulgarity, the coarseness, the permissiveness, the promiscuity at the heart of the homosexual lifestyle. And so if you actually saw it with your own eyes, and you actually saw the physical damage, and the psychological damage and the emotional damage that comes from living this lifestyle over many years, if the American people would see that with their own eyes I think they would have a very, very different conclusion and very different take. So what we’re getting is, it’s a form of cultural Marxism. You’re getting propaganda. And if you notice, it’s “Will and Grace” on television, I can’t go see a romantic comedy now without, there’s always the loveable, fuzzy gay person who just wants to be accepted for who he is, he’s completely harmless. So they’re giving us very much a false picture.

Mefferd mentioned Kuhner’s column, “Obama’s Homosexual America,” about President Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality, which he said will lead to “civilizational collapse” and a possible “political-cultural civil war” that will determine whether America “will go the way of other non-Christian, pagan societies into the dustbin of history.”

Mefferd: This is just not a small deal, this is a massive deal and he’s put ‘America on the path to moral disintegration,’ as you put it.

Kuhner: And I think civilizational collapse.

Kuhner: The important issues facing us are really not even economic, I understand that people are worried about their jobs and the deficit, it’s really defending a culture of life and if we do not defend a culture of life, we will go the way of Ancient Greece, we will go the way of Ancient Rome, we will go the way of other non-Christian, pagan societies into the dustbin of history. I believe that gay marriage is a symptom of our moral decay and cultural decline and that’s why I think Middle America has said, enough is enough, and so you saw the people of North Carolina vote overwhelmingly, 61-39%, for Amendment One, passing a constitutional amendment defining marriage as it’s been for thousands of years as between a man and a woman. To what is to me frightening, and I don’t want to overplay this, but you almost see a political-cultural civil war brewing.

Kuhner went on to attack judges who overturned laws banning same-sex marriage as “fascists in black robes” and said the left is imposing a “soft totalitarianism.” “It’s an assault upon freedom, it’s an assault upon liberty, it’s an assault upon our democracy,” Kuhner said of the gay rights movement, “this is about defending our fundamental, basic democracy.”

Kuhner: The moment the people have spoken, you see these secular, progressive liberals go right away to the courts, and three, five or seven judges, almost fascists in black robes, are now able to overturn and thumb their nose at the will of the people. They are becoming increasingly tyrannical, they’re becoming increasingly anti-democratic, and I believe you’re now seeing a soft totalitarianism begin to emerge among the hard left.

Mefferd: Oh yeah. And one thing that comes to mind, I reported on this story several days ago on my show, we had this Employment Non-Discrimination Act that Barney Frank introduced over and over and over again that tried to get through Congress and never made it, which was to give distinction to transgender individuals that you can’t discriminate against them in jobs. They couldn’t do it through Congress, so Chai Feldblum and her friends over at the EEOC, Chai Feldblum, this very well-known lesbian and gay activist, they passed, and by fiat basically, the EEOC did it themselves. I mean, this is what we’re seeing. If they can’t get done what they want to get done the traditional way, they’ll go around it somehow.

Kuhner: You’re seeing a social revolution being imposed from above. Mefferd: Yes.

Kuhner: And this is what’s very frightening. And I believe this is why it’s an assault upon freedom, it’s an assault upon liberty, it’s an assault upon our democracy. You are now seeing judicial tyranny in our midst. And that’s why this is not just an issue of traditional morality and defending Christian civilization, this is about defending our fundamental, basic democracy. It is now under siege.