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Jeff Allen: 'Gay-Stapo' Planning 'Kristallnacht' & 'Final Solution' Against Christians

In a column for right-wing activist Matt Barber’s new website, Indiana pastor Jeff Allen writes that gay rights advocates are the new Nazis and will begin to literally kill Christians. Allen writes that he was disgusted by internet comments on one of Barber’s anti-gay articles, warning that many gay people “really do console themselves with fantasies of their own Kristallnacht, in which Christians are euphemistically ‘taken out of the way’ as part of the ‘gay’-stapo’s ‘final solution’ to the ‘Christian problem.’”

“In Hollywood’s recent theatrical release of The Monuments Men, the storyline follows an Army unit that was guided by a group of seven museum directors, curators, and art historians as they engaged in a gripping search to recover priceless pieces of art before they were destroyed by the Nazis,” Allen continues. “Likewise, the hostile homosexual goose-steppers are seeking to destroy marriage, the masterpiece of God’s handiwork.”

He warns that gay rights activists have an “enemies’ list” and are bent on “marginalizing or eliminating their opposition.”

“As a pastor, I am not going to sit around and wait until they come after me and my church in what amounts to an updated version of Rev. Niemöller’s list,” he adds. “ It will be too late by then.”

In my first column on this event, I focused on the political wrangling and the protestors on both sides of the same-sex “marriage” debate, but today I want to look from a decidedly different angle at this event. As I braved the sub-zero temperatures on my way from the parking lot to the Pro-Marriage Rally at the Indiana statehouse in Indianapolis, I walked at noticeably brisk pace. It was only about a block and half journey, but the weather was so cold that day that I soon began looking for a place of refuge along the way. In that short distance, I was unfortunately not able find such a location, but I couldn’t help but notice what was playing at the Indiana Repertory Theater on Washington Street. On the marquee, the words “And Then They Came For Me” immediately jumped out and captured my attention. The stark irony of those words was not lost on me. Another chill went down my spine, and this time it wasn’t because of the frigid tempuratures [sic].

This play, one of James Still’s most popular, is a multi-media production of video and live performances that are carefully woven together to tell the harrowing, true life events of Eva Schloss and Ed Silverberg, a step-sister and friend of Ann Frank, respectively. Schloss and Silverberg were two Jews that were tragically entangled in the evil advance of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The dramatic production recounts their survival of the nightmarish events surrounding the Holocaust and vividly depicts their years spent in hiding and the horrors of the concentration camp.

My fortuitous encounter with this production also brought to mind the famous, yet ominous, poem “First They Came…,” which is attributed to German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984). The confrontational text denounces the cowardice of German citizens following the Nazi rise to power and their subsequent purging of chosen targets, one by one.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where things are rapidly heading in our country. Before the accusations of paranoia or overly melodramatic exaggerations are cast my way, let me remind you to never underestimate the subversive schemes of a true radical Leftist with an amoral axe to grind. With their notorious enemies’ lists, they have a very unscrupulous way of marginalizing or eliminating their opposition. Never forget Todd Starnes recent report about the U.S. Army’s utilization of the SPLC’s hate group list to identify evangelical Christians as potential terror threats…or the IRS’ recent and insidious targeting of conservative groups…or President Obama’s brazen propensity to flout or write new laws…or the Democrat’s ridiculous contortions to rationalize or even to encourage the President’s indefensible conduct.

When Matt Barber recently published an article on our own BarbWire entitled Liberal Love: Matt Barber Will be ‘Tried’ & ‘Hanged’ for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’, the virulent and extremely hateful comments would have been a lot more laughable and easily dismissed as the ravings of a liberal lunatic mind if they weren’t so sinisterly representative of the Nazi-like homosexual activist’s deepest, darkest desires. Many of them really do console themselves with fantasies of their own Kristallnacht, in which Christians are euphemistically “taken out of the way” as part of the “gay”-stapo’s “final solution” to the “Christian problem.” The torturing or hanging of Matt Barber and other Christians like him is shockingly not off the table for the most rabid among them. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the Heritage Foundation’s The Price of Prop 8, which documents numerous examples of harassment, intimidation, vandalism, theft, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, venomous protests, violence, death threats, and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry that were all triggered by the pernicious homosexual bullies and their sympathetic goons.

In Hollywood’s recent theatrical release of The Monuments Men, the storyline follows an Army unit that was guided by a group of seven museum directors, curators, and art historians as they engaged in a gripping search to recover priceless pieces of art before they were destroyed by the Nazis. Likewise, the hostile homosexual goose-steppers are seeking to destroy marriage, the masterpiece of God’s handiwork. As dedicated Christians, we too must metaphorically endeavor to recover and restore this infinitely valuable work of art before it’s been marred beyond recognition by the “gay”-stapo.

This is why I continue to fight the good fight for true marriage! Surrender will never be an option. As a pastor, I am not going to sit around and wait until they come after me and my church in what amounts to an updated version of Rev. Niemöller’s list. It will be too late by then.

Always remember that we are on the “right side of eternity!”