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Janet Porter Says That Vice President Pence 'Loves' Her Heartbeat Bill

Earlier this month, we noted that extremist Religious Right activist Janet Porter had been spotted at the White House, along with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, where we assumed that she was making a pitch for her "Heartbeat Bill," a radical piece of legislation that she brags will outlaw abortion "before the mother even knows she’s pregnant" and will be "the foot in the door" to completely outlawing abortion.

Yesterday, Porter sent out an email to supporters revealing that she and DeLay met directly with Vice President Mike Pence, who reportedly "loves" her legislation and promised to personally deliver a letter to President Trump that was signed by hundreds of Religious Right activists urging congressional Republicans to "lead your legislative agenda this fall" with the Heartbeat Bill:

Faith2Action President Janet Porter shows Vice President Mike Pence a letter calling for passage of the federal Heartbeat Bill signed by more than 120 pro-family group leaders while at the White House.  Also pictured: Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Faith2Action Legislative Director Rachelle Heidlebaugh.

The Vice President not only stated that he "loves" the pro-life Heartbeat Bill, he promised to put the letter calling for its passage directly on President Trump's desk.  The letter (below) was signed by more than 120 pro-family leaders including Dr. James Dobson, Don Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, and Governor Mike Huckabee.


Dear President Trump, Vice President Pence, Speaker Ryan, and Leader McCarthy,

On Nov 8th of last year, 81% of Evangelicals voted to put President Donald Trump into the White House and Republicans in control of the House and Senate. They are now watching closely, wondering if Republicans in Washington will keep their campaign promises. One of the most important campaign promises was the protection of unborn life.

We, the undersigned, have united to protect human lives with HR 490, the Heartbeat Protection Act, which is co-sponsored by two-thirds of the Republicans in Congress-more than any other pro-life bill. It also has more public support than any other pro-life bill. Simply put, the Heartbeat Bill ensures that "if a heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected." To deny the child's beating heart is to deny science. To ignore it is heartless.

According to the father of the pro-life movement, the late Dr. John Willke, the Heartbeat Bill will protect 95% of the babies who would otherwise be aborted. Simply recognizing this universal indicator of life-a heartbeat-is the most effective way to "Make America Safe Again."

While we support pro-life bills that protect preborn children, the Pain Capable Bill (HR 36) would only protect babies after five months-that's only 1.3% of the babies facing abortion, according to CDC statistics.

As Dr. Willke stated, "When I founded the pro-life movement, it wasn't to regulate how abortions would be done, it was to bring the abortion killing to an END. We have waited too long and that wait has cost us too much. "

After 44 years, an "incremental approach" has left us with a body count of nearly 60 million. We are a far cry from success when nearly a million abortions are still being committed each year. But in order to achieve a different result, we must do something different. The Heartbeat Bill is different.

According to a 2017 George Barna poll, 69% of Americans support the Heartbeat Bill-most of them strongly.

The bill has support from the vast majority of Republicans (86%) and Independents (61%). Even 55% of Democrats believe "If a doctor is able to detect a heartbeat of an unborn baby, that baby should be legally protected." The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals declared that the heartbeat is a more "consistent and certain" indicator of life than "viability," the arbitrary standard the U.S. Supreme Court currently uses to allow legal protection of children in the womb.

While respect all pro-life efforts, after four decades, it's time to achieve the goal for which we have marched, prayed, and voted. With a Republican House, Senate, White House, and new Supreme Court being ushered in, we can do more than protect 1.3% of the babies, we can protect every child whose beating heart can be heard.

We urgently and respectfully request that you lead your legislative agenda this fall with HR 490, the Heartbeat Bill, supported by two-thirds of the Republican members of Congress, seven out of ten Americans, and millions of pro-life voters who will be greatly encouraged by its passage prior to the midterm elections.


James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
Founder & President, Family Talk

Don Wildmon, Founder
American Family Association & AFA Radio

Janet Porter, President, Faith2Action

Governor Mike Huckabee

Gary L. Bauer
American Values

William G. Boykin
Lt. General, Retired, U.S. Army
Founder and President, Kingdom Warriors

Troy Newman
President, Operation Rescue
Co-Founder, Center for Medical Progress

Allan E. Parker, Jr.
President, The Justice Foundation

Bill Johnson
American Decency Association

Bradley Mattes
Life Issues Institute

Bob McEwen
Former Member Congress, Ohio

Nancy Schulze
Founder, Robert Lynch
Lawyers of Ohio

Rev. Patrick Mahoney
Christian Defense Coalition

Dr. Scott Lively
Defend the Family International

Mark Harrington
National Director, Created Equal
Arkansas Senator Jason Rapert
Sponsor of nation's first Heartbeat Law

Penny Nance, CEO and President of CWA

Ed Martin
President, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles;
President, Eagle Forum Education and
Legal Defense Fund;

President, Gen. Jack Singlaub's America's Future

Michele Bachmann
Former member of Congress

Dr. Rick Scarborough
Founder, Vision America Action

Cindy Jacobs, President, Generals International

Dr. Jimmy Draper
President Emeritus LifeWay
Former President Southern Baptist Convention

Rep. Ron Hood
Sponsor, Ohio Heartbeat Bill

Rep. Gary Glenn
Associate Speaker Pro Tem
Michigan House of Representatives
American Family Association of Michigan

Rachelle Heidlebaugh, Founder, The Witness

Larry Cirignano
D.C. Representative, Children First Foundation

Richard Ford

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., President and Founder
Restore Our Godly Heritage PAC; Founder & CEO
Conservative Republicans of Texas PAC

Pastor Rick Joyner
Chairman, The Oak Initiative

Rebecca Kiessling, Esq.
Author, International Pro-Life Speaker

Bill Federer
Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Television host Pastor Stephen E. Broden
Fair Park Bible Fellowship, Dallas, TX
President, Protect Life and Marriage
Co-Founder National Black Pro-Life Coalition

Linda Harvey
President, Mission America
Art Ally

President, Timothy Partners
Founder, Liberty Tour

Anna Little
Board of Directors
EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers NYC,
NJ Faith & Freedom Coalition

Ted Baehr
President, MovieGuide

Adam McManus

Jannique Stewart
President, Love Protects

Robert Lynch
Lawyers of Ohio

Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention (OH)

Allen Unruh
National Abstinence Clearinghouse &
The Alpha Center

Dr. Chuck Harding
Founder, Awake America

John Jakubczyk
Southwest Law Center

Pastor Bill & Deborah Owens
Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP)

Joseph M. Scheidler
National Director,
Pro-Life Action League

Pastor Paul Blair
President, Reclaiming America for Christ
Founder, Liberty Pastors Network
Founder, Protect Life and Marriage OK

Paul Zeltwanger, Ohio State Representative

Lori Viars
Board Member,
Conservative Republican Leadership Committee
Vice President, Warren County Right to Life

Julie Busby
President & Founder, Malachi
Mark Gurley
Grassroots Vice Chair,
Michigan Republican Party

Pastor Ernie Sanders
Doers of the Word Baptist Church Radio Host, President,
What's Right What's Left Radio Ministries

John Collins, Founder, Linda Vista Pictures
Rep. Nino Vitale, Ohio House of Representatives

John Bouquet
Sr. Pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church Chairman, Community Prayer Breakfast associated with the National Day of Prayer Network

Pastor Rodney Lord
Freedom Gate Church,
Ohio Board Member,
Federation of Ministers and Churches International

Steve Koob, Ph.D.
Founder and Director, One More Soul

David Barton
Founder, WallBuilders

Andy Schlafly
Phyllis Schlafly's Eagles

Buddy Smith
Senior Vice President,
American Family Association
American Family Radio

Abby Johnson
Author, Speaker

Jason Jones
Founder & President, Movie to Movement
Founder, Serviam

Rep. Christina Hagan
Prime Sponsor, Ohio Heartbeat Bill

Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Gregory Quinlan
The Center for Garden State Families

Steve Witt
Senior Leader Bethel Cleveland

Rep. Bill Dean, Ohio House of Representatives

Jeremy Salupo
President, Elevate

Robert Knight
Author & Columnist

T.J. Honerlaw
Vice Chairman,
Warren County Republican Central Committee

John A. Eidsmoe, Colonel (MS)
Mississippi State Guard
Senior Counsel,
Foundation for Moral Law

Pastor, Association of Free Lutheran Congregations

Joe Langfeld
Executive Director,
Human Life Alliance

Matthew D, Staver, Esq. B.C.S.
Founder and Chairman,
Liberty Counsel

Dick Bott
Bott Radio Network

William Murray
Religious Freedom Coalition

Monica Boyer
Indiana Liberty Coalition

John Farnan, Esq.
Cleveland Lawyers for Life, Inc.

Rep. Wesley Goodman, Ohio House

Rev. Dan C. Cummins, D.D.
Capitol Worship, Washington, D.C.

Dr. William Ames Curtright Founder,
Ames's Gather of the Eagles
An 80-group Tea Party

Rep. John Becker, Ohio House of Representatives

Arnold Verner Nelson
Nelson Publishing, Inc.

Pastor Corey Shankleton Emerging Streams

James Williamson
Senator Emeritus, Oklahoma

Pastor Michael Dean Cartin
The Life Center

Guyla Mills
Amazing Grace Awakening

Thomas A. Glessner, J.D.
National Institute of Family and Life Advocates

Mark Crutcher President and Founder, Life Dynamics, Inc.

Phillip L. Jauregui
Judicial Action Group

Terry Gensemer
CEC For Life

Martin Angell
A Choice for Every Child Foundation

Pastor Ceasar LeFlore
Founder, Executive Director,
The Beloved Community Development Coalition

Day Gardner
National Black Pro-Life Union

Deacon Georgette Forney
President, Anglicans for Life
Silent No More, American Campaign

Joel Brind, Ph.D.
Breast Cancer Prevention Institute

Cheryl Sullenger
President, Operation Rescue

Ohio Rep. Candice Keller

Brad Cornell
President, You are a Dad, Inc.

Timothy Barton
President, WallBuilders

Denise Cocciolone
Founder and President, National Life Center

Diane Gramley
American Family Association of Pennsylvania

James Nolan, J.D.
President, Crossroads Pro-Life

Rich Bott
Chairman/CEO, Bott Radio Network

Linda Reidelbach
Former Ohio State Representative

Steve Ensley
American Family Online

Lou Engle
Co-Founder, The Call Azusa Now

Joshua M. McCaig
National Lawyers Association
Republican Congressional Wives Speakers
Congressional Prayer Caucus Wives Council
Co-Founder with Vonette Bright, American Prayer Initiative