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Janet Porter: God Will Hold You Accountable For Not Voting For Trump

Today, radical right-wing activist Janet Porter released a video explaining why she will be voting for Donald Trump and warning Christians that they will be held accountable by God if the refuse to do likewise.

Praising Trump for his promises to appoint anti-choice judges, allow churches to directly support candidates without losing their tax-exempt status and make sure that everyone in America says "Merry Christmas," Porter declared that the basic choice in this election is between "life or death for millions."

"God actually told us not to sit [out the election] when He gave us His voter guide in Deuteronomy," she said. "He said, 'Choose life that you and your descendants may live.' You might feel good about yourself sitting out this election, but I can assure you unborn babies won't. The main choice set before us is life or death for millions."

Porter then cited anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer's famous "not to speak is to speak" quote, which she conveniently updated by adding "not to vote it to vote."

Porter will be voting for Trump, she concluded, "because the alternative is unthinkable."