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Janet Porter Dropped From Worldview Radio Because Of Her Ties To "Whacked Out Folks"

I've written several posts already about the fact that Janet Porter had her radio program dropped by VCY America following her May Day 2010 prayer rally due to the Dominionist underpinnings of the event. 

That move has all but closed down Porter's Faith 2 Action organization and so Porter has spent a lot of her energy lately attacking Discernment Ministries as being responsible for getting her fired. 

But, as it turns out, it was not just VCY that dropped Porter's radio program - Worldview Weekend also terminated its relationship with her over her May Day prayer rally.

On May 5, Brannon Howse, who has been a long-time support of Porter's and even regularly hosted her F2A radio program in her absence, announced that Worldview Radio had parted ways with her and would no longer be carrying her program:

We, on our radio network, our on-line radio network at last Thursday pulled a program, Faith 2 Action which was the radio program, or is the radio program, of Janet Folger. I''ve sat in for Janet a few times when should we be unable to host her show and I've been a guest on her show many times - in fact we had her speak at our Worldview Weekend several years ago the criminalization of Christianity, a very good book she wrote on that topic.

But in the last few months, I've become concerned as, and in particular the last week weeks, I've become concerned as I think we are parting company in the important area of theology and doctrine. So we had to pull the program.

A lot of this came to light after the May Day event that took place in Washington DC


Those were some of the groups, I believe, that were represented at the May Day event - some folks who believe in Dominion theory, Kingdom theology and those who believe in extra-Biblical revelations. So, for that reason, I could not take part and the more I saw on the internet with some of the folks, the more I felt we needed to separate ourselves from that, particularly because it was confusing the public.

So we alerted the staff at F2A that we were not going to carry their broadcast any longer on our on-line radio network. And that's just the stance we've chosen to take. I believe it's great to call a nation to true Biblical repentance but I'm afraid that some, for lack of a better word, some really kind of whacked out folks, crept into the May Day event, and I did hear some stories after the event of some things that really concerned some folks who were there themselves with the Dominion theory theology people.

You can listen to Howse's extended explanation of the decision here, but the gist of it is that Worldview was not comfortable with Porter's embrace of those we believe in extra-Biblical revelation - people like Cindy Jacobs and Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle who consider themselves Prophets and Apostles that receive powers and visions from God.  Howse also explained that while he does not necessarily oppose Dominion Theology or those who advocate it, he does not personally support it or believe in it.  For those reasons, Howse and Worldview Weekend not only declined to endorse Porter's May Day rally but decided that cut ties with her completely.

I wonder why Porter isn't attacking Howse and Worldview Weekend as a bunch of "cultural Nazis" who are siding with the ACLU and throwing rocks from the sidelines of the culture war at those, like Porter, who are trying to save America from its descent into communism.