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James Dobson Gloats That Trump Judges Are ‘Literally Changing the Nature of the Judiciary'

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson (Image from appearance on CBN, May 7, 2019.)

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson celebrated the success of “godly” activists working behind the scenes to get right-wing judges nominated to the federal court, saying, “They’re literally changing the nature of the judiciary.”

Dobson appeared on Intercessors for America’s monthly prayer call last Friday. IFA also distributes prayer guides encouraging its followers to pray for President Donald Trump and support right-wing causes and candidates. IFA and its leader Dave Kubal are also part of Paula White’s pro-Trump One Voice Prayer Movement.

Asked for his thoughts on the state of the country, Dobson described the divisions in the country as “primarily a spiritual issue,” saying “half the country is trying to hold on to Christian principles and righteousness, and the other half seems to have no meaningful faith at all.”

Dobson recounted a recent conversation with End Times author Jonathan Cahn, saying they talked about the “desperate need within this nation for a national revival” to remedy the “moral collapse” in the U.S.

“It seems that wherever you stick a thermometer into the culture these days, you find wickedness and evil,” Dobson said, adding that he was “sickened” by the Super Bowl halftime show and the “nearly naked dancers” he said “looked like prostitutes at an orgy.”

“Children are the targets for this kind of evil,” he said, complaining that the “major emphasis” in Colorado public schools is on “transgender ideology” for “little children.”

Dobson offered a list of 10 things people should pray for:

  1. Religious liberty
  2. The sanctity of human life
  3. Biblical marriage, which is “crumbling, especially among millennials”
  4. Morality in the nation
  5. Parental rights
  6. The next generation
  7. School choice
  8. The judicial system
  9. Our government itself
  10. Medical ethics/conscience rights

“Every branch of government needs our specific prayers,” Dobson said. He specifically thanked God for the many federal judges that Trump has nominated and the Republican Senate confirmed, saying that “many of them are believers.” IFA’s Kubal agreed, saying that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Trump are “really shaping the nation for the next 20 years with wonderful conservative judicial appointees.”

Dobson and Kubal shared their excitement that conservative judges could soon gain a majority on the traditionally liberal U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, which Dobson said “has done such damage to the cause of Christ through the years.”

Kubal closed the segment by asking Dobson to pray for the country. Dobson appealed to God, saying, “Forgive us, many of us, for our silence in responding to the evil that stalks our land.” Dobson continued:

It’s all around us. And many God-fearing people are experiencing protest fatigue. We’re worn out. We’re tired of hearing bad things. We just turn our ears and eyes away from what’s taking place. We’ve given up this land in many cases to the wickedness which prevails. And I just ask you to give us a new spirit of appreciation for who this country is, what is has meant to the world, and that you would anoint again the people on this phone and many millions of others to bring to you the needs and the concerns that we have, to do what we can in this great democracy where we’re able to express our views, to not be intimidated by those around us who disagree—the political correctness—but to have the courage to stand up for truth.

Kubal in turn prayed that God would give Dobson a megaphone and great influence.

Dobson founded Focus on the Family and ran the organization for more than 30 years. After he was eased out in 2010, he founded Family Talk, which rebranded in 2017 as the James Dobson Family Institute. The Institute “promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development.” According to the organization, Dobson's Family Talk radio program “is aired on more than 1,300 terrestrial radio outlets and numerous digital channels that reach millions of people each month.”

People For the American Way's "Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears" series documents the harm being done by Trump nominees who are now serving as lifetime federal judges.