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Jacobs: Elect Right-Wing Politicians…Or Else

Cindy Jacobs revealed her prophecy of what will happen to the United States in 2012 in an email to members yesterday following her meeting with the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, a group which includes C. Peter Wagner, Lou Engle and Harry Jackson, among others. She said God told her that 2012 will be a “‘do-or-die’ year for the country” and the “presidential election cycle will determine where we stand as a nation.” Jacobs goes on to say that pastors will begin to “thunder from the pulpits and not compromise scripture” by challenging politicians who are “standing in the place of the ‘accuser of the brethren,’” or Satan.

According to Jacobs, right-wing Christians will be victims of the “liberal media” and “hate crimes” as “Satan fights back with great wrath,” but in the end “God is going to ‘blow away’ the covering of some people and reveal the truly righteous and conservative.” However, she warns that if Americans do not support such conservative politicians and “throw off the shackles of abortion, poverty, pornography, and sexual sins of all kinds, including homosexuality,” there will be a “great shaking” and the U.S. will be punished just like Europe and Muslim countries for “God will use this season to uproot the anti-Christ spirit”:

The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders met in late November to seek a word of the Lord for the coming year, as they have since 1999. Due to world-wide shaking, this was probably the most sobering council gathering to date. Many prophets around the world believe that the United States must make a major shift toward reformation in 2012 and that it will be a "do-or-die" year for the country to be re-established on the course of becoming the "city set on a hill" envisioned by our Founders.

Twelve in scripture represents government. This presidential election cycle will determine where we stand as a nation. The United States has already lost a measure of its greatness but, without a shift, will lose even more in the coming days. In the Word for 2011, we felt it would either be a "tipping point year" or the year of the "perfect storm". Internationally, this seems to have been very accurate, as it was quite literally the perfect storm for Japan, much to our sorrow.

However, there was a sense that 2011's shaking was nothing like we'll see in the coming world-wide shaking. In the coming season, the whole Body of Christ must find her voice and authority in the nations of the earth and learn to "occupy" until He comes. The Council does not believe, however, that the end of the world will come in 2012, as some predict.

There is a coming shift where the Body of Christ will rise up as the "ekklesia" or legislative authority. Many pastors will throw off the bondages of political correctness and find their voice. Preachers will thunder from the pulpits and not compromise scripture. This will cause many politicians to realize that they have gone too far by standing in the place of the "accuser of the brethren" and the fear of the Lord will fall upon many.

Counter-attacks against reformers will be fierce, as Satan fights back with great wrath. This will happen in the media, but those who attack will find themselves under fire as God takes up the battle. Out of this will arise the ekklesia as a shining light that cannot be shaken!

Do not be intimidated by these attacks and you will win. The church will find her voice. The liberal media will particularly come against those who are pro-life and pro-biblical defense of marriage. Hate crimes will be tolerated and called acts of justice.

Europe is going to shake, shake, shake. The EU, who felt they could leave God out of their government and even imprison pastors for preaching the gospel, is going to be dealt with by God, Himself. In the midst of the shaking, God is going to awaken the church as never before seen in history. Other nations such as Russia and parts of Asia will shake as well. In some nations, dictators will topple who have seemingly had such a deep hold on their nations that they have been considered immovable.

Many nations will experience rioting in the midst of the economic shakings. God will use this season to uproot the anti-Christ spirit, as many who were formerly favorable to "isms", such as Islam, will see it for what it truly is and turn to Christ. Turkey and Egypt will try to intimidate Israel. Again, the Lord spoke to us that we must stand with Israel.

In the United States elections, God is going to "blow away" the covering of some people and reveal the truly righteous and conservative. We are calling for a year of prayer and fasting for the nation. The United States has one year to shift or be seriously shaken.

Lou Engle puts it this way, "In the dark hours before dawn, the youth begin to collect. The ground that was dry before now sparkles as far as the eye can see. It is the enemies' worst nightmare to go to sleep, only to awake the next morning surrounded by an army that materialized out of thin air! What had been an empty field is now filled with soldiers whose weapons glint in the sunrise. Literally overnight, an army of devoted young people is going to arise out of this present darkness. This vast youth army is already mobilizing. Invisible now - Invincible later."

Cindy Jacobs adds, "This is God's breaker-of-the-dawn army! Fresh troops for the battle, burning with holiness and fiery with passion for the Lord! They are beautiful in holiness, and have the anointing to throw off the shackles of abortion, poverty, pornography, and sexual sins of all kinds, including homosexuality."