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Jacobs and Pierce Issue Warning that CA Will Be Destroyed By Earthquake If Prop 8 Is Struck Down

I don't know about you, but when Cindy Jacobs tells me that she has received an "urgent prayer alert from our good friend Chuck Pierce concerning California," my ears perk up ... especially when that prayer alert entails God warning that failure by the courts to uphold Proposition 8 will result in California being destroyed by a massive earthquake: 

Yesterday, January 4th, I was called by a key intercessor in Santa Ynez. (Please note as you proceed, yesterday was the same day prop 8 was sent to the California Supreme Court) She reported two visions from separate individuals in the area:

A pastor of a large Nazarene Church had a dream of a very large earthquake on the central coast. He shared this at the Christmas gathering for all the Santa Maria Pastors and 5 cities area. Because of the destruction and intensity of the quake he thought he should tell the Pastors so they could pray into it.

Another intercessor in the area had a dream and saw a map of California. She noticed on the map how Pt. Conception juts out into the water. As she looked she saw an 8 with a circle beside it in the waters off Pt Conception.

Regarding these dreams the issue of 8 is significant: Yesterday, January 4th, Prop 8 went to the California Supreme Court ... Prop 8 is a foundational covenant issue, i.e. issue of marriage, in the state. If the state supreme court does not uphold it, a covenant issue is broken with God. Judgment is looming. Also, of note yesterday it was announced on the radio and sent to me by another intercessor that in San Diego, there is a Korean war memorial. A judge has ruled that a cross that was dedicated in the 1950's, cannot be there, as it is, because it stands for the the government embracing "a religion". The implication was that it had to be "modified". She stated in her note to me, "the MOMENT I heard this I had a "sinking feeling" in my heart and said out loud in my car. God will not contend this any longer, judgment is coming."

Many are feeling the weight of this hour and time. There has been a very real assignment of death and destruction as many have faced health issues, even serious ones. We are at a critical "hinge point" and much will depend on our prayers and actions now. An earthquake from Point Conception would divide impact the state in three major fault lines and could potentially divide the state in half. We pray this stirs your hearts towards God's purposes. Our hope and trust is in Him.

The alert goes on to explain that "8 with a circle" is significant because it not only refers to Prop 8, but also the Eighth Circle of Hell as detailed in Dante's "The Divine Comedy"