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Jack Abramoff Would Be Proud Of Latest GOP Casino Money Scandal

Allegations that a leading Republican group funneled Indian casino gambling money (link is external) to Religious-Right-aligned candidates and organizations picked up steam this week when Politico uncovered an internal document(link is external) linking the Republican State Leadership Committee to a potentially illegal campaign finance scheme.

Apparently, the RSLC worked with the chairman of the Alabama GOP to move money from an Indian casino to the RSLC, which would then in turn donate it back to the state party and several conservative groups under the name of the RSLC. The Republicans were concerned that disclosed donations from casino would be seen as “toxic” and “political suicide,” although the arrangement was likely in violation of state law.

If this scheme rings a bell, that might be because infamous GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff also worked with top conservative figures such as Ralph Reed — who now leads the Faith and Freedom Coalition — to funnel tribal casino money to Religious Right groups in Alabama(link is external).

While Reed continues to lead a major Religious Right group despite his role in the illegal endeavor, Abramoff has not been able to recover his previous clout.

However, he still speaks to ultraconservative outlets like WorldNetDaily, where he said(link is external) in an interview(link is external) last week that Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren are both “pure Bolsheviks” bent on vastly growing the size of government and doing away with personal freedom.