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J. Christian Adams: DOJ Civil Rights Attorneys Are 'Rancid, Rotted, Corrupt Racialists'

Former Bush administration Justice Department official J. Christian Adams has made a career out of attacking Attorney General Eric Holder for his civil rights policies, which Adams sees as “race-obsessed.”

So, it’s unsurprising that Adams has been making the rounds in the right-wing media to claim that the Ferguson protests are all part of a plan by the Obama administration to divide Americans based on race in order to win the coming midterm elections.

In an interview with Newsmax on Friday, Adams showed particular contempt for the lawyers in the Justice Department’s civil rights division (where he worked under Bush), who he accused of being “anti-police, racially saturated, paranoid lawyers” and “rancid, rotted, corrupt racialists” who are incapable of acting in an unbiased manner because they recognize that racism exists.

“They think that the deck is stacked against African Americans everywhere, that you can’t get a fair shake in the criminal justice system, that people act with a racial intent all the time,” Adams said with derision. “These are people who think totally differently from most Americans.”