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It’s Pray For Paula White Day, Says Paula White’s Pro-Trump Prayer Movement

Paula White prays at rally launching Trump's re-election campaign, June 18, 2019

Right Wing Watch reported on Monday that POTUS Shield’s Frank Amedia declared today, Dec. 19, as a day of prayer and fasting for President Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser and White House aide Paula White. Early this morning, the Once Voice Prayer Movement, launched last month by White and other Trump-supporting prayer warriors, sent out a “prayer alert” urging people to “pray for Pastor Paula.”

The alert celebrates White’s relationship with Trump and her job in the White House. It quotes from her prayer at a Trump re-election rally in Orlando asking God to “secure” Trump’s “calling.” The alert does not quote the part of her prayer that portrayed Trump’s opponents as demonic, but it does assert that White’s “unabashed infusion of the Word of God into her speeches, prayers, and communication has made her a target of the enemy.” It adds, “Spiritual warfare against those speaking the Word of God at the highest levels of government can be fierce and unrelenting.”

Right Wing Watch reported in November on the launch of the One Voice Prayer Movement, whose logo features a graphic image of the White House and whose homepage currently features the banner “Current Prayer Needs for the White House.” It operates as a virtual pro-Trump public relations and campaign operation in the guise of a prayer project.

The One Voice Prayer Movement’s website domain is registered to Intercessors for America, a pro-Trump network of prayer warriors (“intercessors”) that hosts its own monthly calls, which regularly feature conservative politicians, and which urgently portrayed the 2018 midterms as spiritual warfare.

IFA’s Dave Kubal was listed as part of the “core team” that launched the One Voice Prayer Movement, along with figures from the “prophetic” dominionist movement like Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, and Jon and Jolene Hamill.

The group’s inaugural monthly prayer call in November featured White asking God to deliver Trump from “any set up of the enemy” and praying that “any persons [or] entities that are aligned against the president will be exposed and dealt with and overturned by the superior blood of Jesus.” Right Wing Watch reported on the call at the time:

“Any persons or entities that are aligned against President Trump, the will of God, against the mantle that he would carry, against him as president, that it would be exposed and dealt with and overturned in Jesus’ name,” she added. “We know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this age, hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.”

“Stretch out your arm and deliver President Trump and rid him of any bondage the enemy would try to bring against him,” White prayed. “Thank you, Lord for your hand establishing him, and let your arm strengthen President Trump.”