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Iowa GOPer: God Raising Up Ted Cruz To Save America

Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, who chairs Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, introduced the Texas Republican at the candidate’s “Rally for Religious Liberty” in Des Moines on Friday.

Schultz told the crowd that just as Jesus Christ threw the moneychangers out of the Temple, Cruz will go to Washington D.C. to “throw the moneychangers out.”

“When you read the Scriptures and when you look at our country’s history, you can see that God prepares and raises special men and women to protect and fight for His people and I believe this is one of those moments in time,” Schultz said. “Ted Cruz is that man who God has prepared for this moment in time to be our champion, to fight for our husbands, our wives, our children, our grandchildren, for our country.”

The video was captured by the Iowa conservative blog Caffeinated Thoughts.