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Intercessors for America Says Vacant SCOTUS Seat ‘Belongs to God’ 

Graphic from Intercessors for America "Special Report" released after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Intercessors for America, a pro-Trump political prayer group closely associated with White House aide Paula White and her One Voice Prayer Movement, has declared that the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “belongs to God” and that whoever is nominated must believe only in precedent “that aligns with the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

IFA has distributed a special report on praying for “a Deborah” to fill the vacant seat. Deborah was a prophet and judge written about in the biblical book of Judges​. “The Seat Belongs to God, Not Man,” declares the report, which urges people to pray that God would “break” any “dark spiritual ownership” on the vacant seat.

“Justice Ginsburg Dies—Is Her Seat Anointed?” was the headline of a blog post IFA published Saturday, the day after Ginsburg’s death. While IFA didn’t go as far as POTUS Shield founder Frank Amedia in attributing Ginsburg’s death to a move of God, it does suggest there may be a divine purpose involved. “God is in the Timing,” declares a section headline in IFA’s report, which is followed by, “Incidentally, Ginsburg died and left this vacancy of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year—a day of new beginnings. Is this a new beginning for the Supreme Court and perhaps a turning point for our nation?​"

IFA’s report also includes a section entitled “Declarations for the Next Supreme Court Justice,” each buttressed with a line of scripture. Here are the declarations with​out the scriptural references:

  • ​"Whoever is nominated to the Supreme Court will be a firm believer in the Rule of Law and that the Rule of Law is the Law of Nature and of Nature's God."
  • "Whoever is nominated to the Supreme Court will be a firm believer that the Constitution derives its authority from the Declaration of Independence, and the Declaration of Independence derives its authority from the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."
  • "Whoever is nominated to the Supreme Court will understand the Constitution to be the Supreme Law of the Land; not their judicial interpretation of the Constitution."
  • "Whoever is nominated to the Supreme Court will believe in precedent, but only precedent that aligns with the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."
  • "Whoever is God’s anointed nominee that the Senate will not be able to block the appointment."
  • "That God will draw the nominee and their family closer to you throughout this process and that you will protect them from any fiery darts."
  • "That the Supreme Court Justices, members of Congress and the President will be made aware that there is only one from whom all authority is given."
  • "That God will raise whom he will raise and lower whom he will lower."
  • "That what is done in darkness will be brought to light."
  • "That righteousness will exalt our nation once again!"

Here are excerpts from the report section that appeared under a headline declaring that the vacant seat belongs to God:

Some on the left call it “Ginsburg’s seat”, assigning ownership to the former justice, as if her wishes, her followers and her ideology have a claim on the seat for the future. In fact, Clara Spera, granddaughter of Justice Ginsburg shared that purportedly Justice Ginsburg issued her last dying wish: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Voices on the left are claiming that this dying wish is required to be followed, which of course is not true. This seat does not belong to the left or even the former Justice herself. This seat belongs to the nation. To the pursuit of law and justice as outlined in our Constitution. To principles of the founding ideals of our nation (that incidentally the Court has often strayed from for decades).

PRAYER POINTS: Will you join us in praying to break off the ownership of the vacant seat and that only God’s candidate would fill the opening seat on the Court? Pray that any claim, hidden deals, or dark spiritual ownership that is on this seat would be broken. Ask God to restore this seat as a seat of true Godly justice and truth in our nation —for God’s glory and His fulfilled purposes! Pray for a new beginning for the Court—may Ginsburg’s passing on Rosh Hashanah be a turning point to usher in a new season for the Supreme Court.

IFA reported that its prayer warriors have been at work, “interceding regularly for the seats that could be vacated.”

IFA's report included mini-bios of every potential nominee on the list released by the Trump campaign. It also urged its intercessors to pray that Republican senators who might be thinking about not falling in line with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would “hear the voice of God and vote accordingly.”

As RWW has reported, some religious-right leaders have prayed that God would “remove” pro-choice Supreme Court justices so that Trump could name justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade.