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Intercessors for America Rallies 'Prayer​ Warriors' to Support William Barr And His Pursuit of 'Deep State'

U.S. Attorney General William Barr appeared on SiriusXM's The Catholic Channel (Image from SiriusXM YouTube video posted Jan. 28, 2020)

Intercessors for America sent ​followers described as prayer warriors a “prophetic word” about Attorney General William Barr last week, urging them to pray for Barr and to send him an encouraging message through the IFA website. The message was sent Tuesday, just two days before former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman testified that Barr has lied to the American public about his efforts to force Berman to resign.

IFA’s message said that Barr has been attacked by Trump’s opponents “because he is in active pursuit of justice against the Deep State.” The online tool that allows people to send a message to Barr through IFA allows people to send their own message or go with the default that IFA provided​, which reads as follows:

Thank you, Attorney General Barr, for protecting justice in our nation.

I am grateful that you are pursuing the truth in relation to the investigation into surveillance and subversion in our government.  I, like many Americans, am thankful for your boldness to call those to account who may have been perceived as untouchable to justice in our nation. Thank you for following the facts and the evidence.

I want you to know that I am praying for you regularly as you continue to serve our nation in this very challenging and critical role. Know that I am thankful to have a man of faith and integrity like yourself leading the Department of Justice. I am not alone - there are so many people praying for you at this time.

Many blessings to you as you continue to protect our Constitution, ensure our freedoms, and facilitate justice.

Barr’s Trump-enabling behavior has earned him comparisons to Roy Cohn, the kind of amoral fixer that Trump made clear he wanted in an attorney general. Now that Barr has come under increasing fire, in part for his ham-fisted effort to bully Berman into quitting his job, IFA is coming to his defense as it has so often for Trump. A resolution calling for Barr’s impeachment has been introduced in the House of Representatives.

IFA’s “prophetic word” about Barr includes the recounting of a dream that IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles said she had in 2018. In the dream, Robles stood on a chair and prayed when an unruly mob was screaming while Barr was testifying before the Senate. Barr is currently scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on July 28.