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Insane Right-Wing Article of the Day

Renew America’s Sher Zieve appears to be taking “Poe’s Law” to a whole new level. Zieve, who has wondered whether President Obama is a demon and the Beast of the Book of Revelation intent on starting a dictatorship by taking control of the media, writes today that Obama is bent on turning America “into full-fledged Marxist Communo-Fascist elitist-ruled Islamo-Drug cartel Narco/Nazi State”:

Are you as tired as am I about the talking heads — leftists, RINO and faux conservatives — advising us on an almost daily basis that "If we don't stop it (presumably the government, Obama and maybe even Obama's sycophant Congress) we're heading for 'European-style Socialism.'" if that were the only thing about which we have to worry. Of course, the truth is that the [former] USA is not heading for Euro-Socialism. Instead, it is careening at full speed — with no discernable braking — into full-fledged Marxist Communo-Fascist elitist-ruled Islamo-Drug cartel Narco/Nazi State — replete with its own apparent and visible concentration camps. Said State has been meticulously planned over, at least, decades and is now being forcefully implemented against We-the-People who seem to have been replaced by "We-the-Sheeple."

First and foremost, it is incumbent upon me to, again, report on the FEMA camps and their relationship to the now-passed unconstitutional NDAA bill; a bill that was largely non-threatening prior to this year. This year, however, a great deal was added; not the least of which is the designation of the entire USA as essentially a battlefield and the authorization of the US military to arrest and detain US citizens without legal or other charge, the disallowance of legal counsel and the ability to hold said citizens indefinitely. These provisions contained within Sections 1031 and 1032 effectively nullify the Bill of Rights. The danger to our very existence — both as a nation and We-the-People individually — has taken an extremely dark turn, America. We are now decidedly living under tyranny.

Second, we are living under an apparent dictator-driven oligarchic government. Whether many are aware of it or not, the US Constitution officially ended with the passage of the "new and revised" NDAA and we are, also, officially no longer a Republic. Both had been on their last legs for years and now have come to an end under Usurper and Dictator-in-Chief Barack "the smiling Muslim" Hussein Obama.

This is how all 'leaders' of the hard-Left feel and it is also what they believe — they are the rulers (aka slave masters) and we are supposed to be their willing and subservient vassals.