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Insane, Even By Birther Standards

We've written about James David Manning, pastor of Atlah World Missionary Church, once or twice before noting that even by the standards of the Birther movement, Manning is completely off the deep end:

Manning came to public attention in the 2008 presidential election after ATLAH posted several sermons of his that were harshly critical of Democratic candidate Barack Obama on the website YouTube. Among other accusations, he called Obama a "good House Negro" in one sermon while in another he referred to Obama as "trash" due to circumstances surrounding his mixed race heritage and accused him of being a "pimp" (pimping "white women and black women") and "long-legged mack daddy," and an "emissary of the devil", citing the viral video "I Got a Crush... on Obama". He stated that Obama "has the cadence of an Islamic person,"and he called Obama's mother "trash" for becoming pregnant by a black man out of wedlock. Manning revisited this latter issue during a press conference at the National Press Club on 8 December 2008: "Generally the most noble of white society choose not to intercourse sexually with African men. So it's usually the trashier ones who make their determinations that they're going to have sex."

Manning defended his sermons in an interview on Fox News, saying that "we also have to talk about his character."He compared TV personality Oprah Winfrey, who supported Obama's campaign, to the Whore of Babylon, the "Queen of the Universe", and an Antichrist.

For the last several days, Manning and his supporters have been hosting a "trial" of President Obama [PDF], claiming that he never attended Columbia University but was actually a CIA agenda who used it as cover so he could go to Pakistan to provide money, weapons, and logistics to the Mujahideen:

The only reason I even found out about this is because I came across an interview with one of the participants discussing how Alan Keyes was supposed to participate but then backed out because of his fears that his own Birther lawsuits could be compromised by attending. 

And that is not even the craziest part.  Just try and follow this exchange between Sharon Rondeau, the interviewer, and Miki Booth, who is running for the U.S. House seat in Oklahoma:

SHARON: Do you know how Dr. Manning or any of the witnesses prove that Obama did not attend Columbia? Can he actually prove that he was in Pakistan or wherever he was instead of at Columbia?

MIKI: I don’t know how we prove it, but the only thing that makes sense is that it’s all the CIA. That would explain why all the records are scrubbed. There’s one thing that they can’t hide, and that’s the Social Security numbers. Again, how do you prove that he used those to launder money?

SHARON: Is the theory that the CIA gave Obama a new identity?

MIKI: Absolutely.

SHARON: Did they actually assign him all of these social security numbers, or do you think he did that on his own?

MIKI: Again, if the CIA was behind it, they would be involved in every single aspect of it, because the money that he was getting went to help the Mujahadeen fight the Russian invasion. Here’s another really interesting thing: the story is out there that he attended Patrice Lamumba University. About three weeks ago, I finally found the website for Patrice Lamumba, and it said, “Distinguished Alumni,” and on the list was “Barry Soetoro.”

SHARON: Really?

MIKI: Yes. And it took you to the Wikipedia page all about “President” Barack Obama and his history.

SHARON: Could that have been set up as a hoax?

MIKI: That was set up as a red herring to throw everyone off the trail of the Pakistan connection. Anyway, I saw it, and they mentioned that, and someone might have testified about it earlier in the trial. However, it was brought up again today, and I remember when I first heard about that, it was right after Rev. Manning put out the word about the trial, and right after that, he did a YouTube video where he said, “They’re lying. They’re going to say that he was actually in Russia attending Patrice Lamumba University” to throw us off. He also said, “You watch; they’re not going to deny it; they’re going to let you think that that’s where he was, but don’t fall for it. He was really in Pakistan.”

SHARON: If the CIA gave Obama a new identity or identities, why was he not stopped when he put his hat in the ring to run for president? Has anyone discussed how he got as far as he did if all his records were scrubbed?

MIKI: We can probably find out. I heard that he signed an Executive Order to seal all of his records.

SHARON: He did; I recall reading about it shortly after his “coronation.”

MIKI: So no one can get his Punahou or other records. The ones that they absolutely don’t want anybody seeing are those that were scrubbed such as the passport records which involved Brennan, who worked for that company which worked with the CIA. They have the means, the wherewithal, to be able to scrub those passport records, and it’s known and reported about that breach where all three, McCain, Clinton and Obama’s records were breached. So the theory is that the late Lt. Quarles Harris knew something and he was supposedly working with the investigator, but which investigators we don’t know; perhaps just the local cops. And then he ended up being murdered. The only person who had a key to open that door was snuffed out. So that was discussed, and this is material that we had already heard. But again, there is the CIA connection. There’s Brennan, and now what’s Brennan doing now? So it’s just all too cozy.

SHARON: No one could have known 20 years ago that Obama was going to run for president. Is there a theory that he was recruited by the CIA because he could speak the language?

MIKI: Yes.

SHARON: Why would there have been a need to provide Obama with a fake past? Others have worked undercover for the CIA but the CIA perhaps doesn’t go to these lengths to hide it. What is your theory about that?

MIKI: Well, tomorrow they’re calling a witness who is an ex-KGB agent who wants to talk and feels that his life is in danger and he may as well get it out there. But getting back to the CIA, we know that the United States was financing the pushback against the Russian invasion. We were working with them and gave them money and guns. So where do you find these people to recruit to get them to do that? You look for someone who will fit, with a Muslim background who can speak at least a dialect of their language. And where do they recruit these people? They find these loners like Barack Obama at Occidental who are on a foreign-student status (again, those records were scrubbed), but he probably held a passport under the name of “Barry Soetoro” from Indonesia.

SHARON: Has any evidence come out about that yet that you’ve heard?

MIKI: No. There again, those records were either scrubbed…it’s all hidden. And it’s only the CIA that can do all of this. No matter how much they did, things have still leaked out. Almost everything that we’re hearing now we already knew. It had been leaked out, or we knew about it, and they couldn’t hide that. But wherever they could hide stuff, they did. But I think what happened was that they never expected that he would run for president. First he was a state senator in Illinois, and he used thug techniques to knock off the competition.