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'In America's Darkest Hour ... God Stepped In To Save The Day': A History Lesson From FRC

Last night, the Family Research Council hosted an event at First Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina called "Star Spangled Sunday."

Billed as a celebration of 200th anniversary of the national anthem, the event featured speakers like Sen. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckbee, Rick Scarborough, E..W. Jackson and others and turned out to be primarily a promotional event for FRC's "" effort to register and mobilize Christian voters ahead of the midterm elections.

Kicking off the program was a video history lesson in which Kenyn Cureton, FRC's Vice President for Church Ministries, explained the many times that God directly intervened in order to establish and save America.

As Cureton explained, when the British burned Washington during the War of 1812, God sent torrential rains, and even a tornado, to put out the flames and kill the British troops.

"God brought a storm of biblical proportions to Washington," he said, "and unleashed it on those British invaders."

Time and again, "God providentially intervened" in American history to protect this nation, Cureton said, and He will do so again if only this nation will turn back to Him ... by which he presumably means "register and vote for Republicans":