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'Impeach Or Insurrection': VDARE Writer Calls For Nativist Third Party If GOP Fails To Impeach Obama

James Kirkpatrick, a writer for the white nationalist website VDARE (home of former National Review columnist John Derbyshire and racist conservative strategist Steve Sailer) argued last week that if the GOP fails to impeach President Obama over his executive action on immigration, nativist Republicans should form a third party along the lines of the fiercely anti-immigrant United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP).

“The alternatives are clear,” Kirkpatrick wrote on Friday: “impeachment, or insurrection.”

The truth is only real legal weapon the Republican Congress has isimpeachment—a tool that was put in place by the Founders for precisely this kind of situation. If Republicans don’t impeach, it’s hard to see why Republican voters should care about winning them the next election, or indeed any election to come.

For American patriots, the solution then will be political insurrection via a Third Party and/or the c reation of a new political force with the power to cripple the GOP and draw votes from Democrats via the white working class.

This is precisely what is occurring in the even more difficult political environment in Great Britain. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) recently inherited another defector from the Conservative Party, which is also being betrayed by its leadership. Mark Reckless took the honorable route of putting himself up for re-election in his old constituency and has won a crushing victory. This opens the way for UKIP to become a force in Parliament for the first time. [ Rochester: Farage looks to more UKIP gains after success, BBC, November 21, 2014]

And if UKIP can do it in a media climate even worse than that of America, there’s no reason Americans can’t.

Parties die if they don’t respond to changing conditions. The person who can control a thing has a power to destroy it. Immigration patriots have, if not the power to fully control the GOP, at least the power to prevent it from ever winning another election.

The alternatives are clear—impeachment, or insurrection.