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'I'm Not Apocalyptic! We Are Suicidal': Another Apocalyptic Warning From The Prophet Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck was spitting fire on his radio program this morning from the get-go, opening with a declaration that "we are living in a culture of death" and only growing more and more apocalyptic as he ranted, uninterrupted, through the entire segment about how America is rapidly committing suicide.

"I want you to understand, we're done as a nation," Beck warned. "We're not going to get any more warnings on this. Evil is rampaging right now. It is beyond anything I have ever seen anywhere in my life and if you think it is going to stay put, if you think it's not going to grow, if you think this is as bad is it could get, you are sadly mistaken."

Things like the nuclear deal with Iran, civil unrest in places like Baltimore and Ferguson, the persecution of Christians, and even allowing transgender students to use proper facilities in public schools are all going to spread and grow worse, Beck proclaimed, until eventually this nation simply collapses.

"We are a nation hell-bent on our own destruction," Beck thundered(link is external). "God's not going to punish us. I saw in the New York Post, 'Glenn Beck is again with his apocalyptic preaching,' I'm not preaching to you and I'm not apocalyptic! We are suicidal and all I'm doing is telling you."