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IFA Prays Trump Will ‘Rule’ In Midst Of His ‘Villainous’ Enemies

Graphic from Intercessors for America email, May 11, 2018.

Intercessors for America, a Religious Right group that urges conservative Christians to get involved in political campaigns, is urging its followers to pray that President Trump will “rule” in the midst of his “enemies,” which it says “is the same decree that King David prophesied in his own nation concerning the coming Messiah.”

IFA encourages “intercessory activism” as well as prayer. It believes that conservative Christians’ political involvement can help the government advance the kingdom of God. In April, it released its guide to electing “godly” candidates in the 2018 midterm elections.

The prayer for Trump to rule over his enemies is part of IFA’s email newsletter sent on Friday morning:

The enemies of God continue to rise up to threaten and subvert the godly purposes and destiny of our nation. Those who are hostile to kingdom values and righteous rule are increasing in their efforts to sabotage any godly reforms in our government. The onslaught of villainous attacks against the president and his administration continues unabated and it appears they will not stop. Any victory that is gained is quickly overshadowed by new accusations and threats.

As believers pray and contend for the president and those who serve in office, there is a command coming out of heaven. It is the same decree that King David prophesied in his own nation concerning the coming Messiah:

The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.” The Lord sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies! (Psalm 110:1b-2 ESV, emphasis added)

This is the righteous decree that must come forth in this hour and the posture of heart that must be taken by those who lead. Even as Christ demonstrated His kingdom authority within a rebellious system, so we are called as emissaries of a higher order. We cannot wait for our enemies to leave or dissipate. We cannot hold back in hoping for some greater opportunity in the future. Our Lord has issued His decree and we must come into agreement. It is while we are right in the middle of enemy territory that we are called to rule!

The newsletter article was written by Wanda Alger, identified as an IFA field correspondent. She explains:

To rule is not to lord over or dominate through force. It is a sovereign grace to administrate the purposes of God as representatives and ambassadors of His kingdom. This is what we are to pray for our president and all those in positions of leadership and authority:

  • To be seated with Christ, administrating from a kingdom perspective (Proverbs 21:15).
  • To maintain a pure heart and clean hands so that the laws and decrees they make will represent the integrity and authority of heaven (Psalm 24:3-6).
  • To be strengthened with inner resolve and perseverance, even in the face of growing aggression and intimidation, so that kingdom authority is fully established (Psalm 125:2-3a).
  • To be like Jesus who set His face as flint and did not waver on the promises of God (Isaiah 50:7; Luke 9:51).

The newsletter also claims that the move of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, scheduled to take place on Monday, is a “convergence of time and place” with spiritual significance. “This alignment of God’s governing authorities is signaling an increased kingdom authority to rule and reign, even as the enemies of Zion vehemently oppose it,” according to IFA.

“As believers in Christ and ambassadors of His kingdom, we agree together for President Trump, his administration, and all those who have been called to leadership in this hour," IFA declares:

RULE IN THE MIDST OF YOUR ENEMIES! Do not waver or back down! Stand in the face of opposition, knowing that all of heaven is with you (Ephesians 6:13)! Do not fix your eyes on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Walk in the fear of the Lord and the power of His might (Micah 3:8). Use your God-given authority to execute justice and establish righteous rule in the land (Genesis 49:10; Psalm 60:7). Rejoice in the Word of God which brings life and liberty to all who obey it (Proverbs 10:29-32). Your faithfulness to God will bring forth an inheritance and eternal reward that no one can match. As you represent the King and carry His heart for the nation, be anointed with the oil of gladness and joy beyond your companions so that all may see He alone is God. (Psalm 45:6-7)

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Alger urged readers to vote for Trump because Hillary Clinton “is not only carnal, but is backed, knowingly or unknowingly, by a demonic force set out to destroy our nation’s sovereignty and our religious freedoms.”