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If the Religious Right is Bonhoeffer, Then Liberals Must be the Nazis

As we have noted before, the Religious Right today is absolutely convinced that the movement is a bunch(link is external) of(link is external) modern-day(link is external) Dietrich Bonhoeffers(link is external), the German theologian who resisted the Nazis and was ultimately put to death, for taking a stand against marriage equality, abortion, health care reform, and President Obama.

Last month, Eric Metaxas, author of a biography on Bonhoeffer(link is external) spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast(link is external) where he made a comparison(link is external) between the Holocaust and legalized abortion, thus immediately making him a hero to the Religious Right.

Metaxas' speech was the subject of yesterday's episode(link is external) of the "Faith and Freedom" radio program where Matt Barber said that today's Religious Right is just like Bonhoeffer and anti-slavery crusader William Wilberforce ... which, of course, means(link is external) that those who support equality or reproductive freedom are like the Nazis and slave-owners:

Those who push radical homosexual activism and an immoral view of human sexuality, a moral relativist view of sexual morality, those who push abortion - and that's just a euphemistic term; those who push infanticide, that's what we're talking about here, the slaughter of babies, of little babies - they're on the wrong side of history, just as those who opposed Bonhoeffer and those who opposed William Wilberforce, who were advocating slavery, those who advocated the slaughter of six million plus Jewish people in Nazi Germany, they were on the wrong side of history. It's unfortunate that progressives find themselves in a similar situation where they are advocating things that are equally as horrific.