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Hutcherson: 'God is Going to Really Turn Loose Judgment on us' over Gay Rights

Peter LaBarbera and John Kirkwood hosted fellow anti-gay activist Ken Hutcherson on Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Radio Hour to criticize Rick Warren over his interviews with Piers Morgan and Marc Lamont Hill. The three even agreed that Warren should not be giving money to organizations doing HIV/AIDS work that don’t condemn homosexuality because, according to Kirkwoood, it puts Warren “in fellowship with darkness.” They encouraged Warren to donate to ex-gay groups instead, but not Exodus International because they’re not anti-gay enough.

Kirkwood: Rick Warren went on to say how many millions of dollars he’s given to the cause of HIV/AIDS and how he’s worked closely with gay organizations on that. My comment on that is you could give millions of dollars for that cause without having to be unequally yoked and be in fellowship with darkness, without having to work with organizations that openly boast about their sexual perversion.

Hutcherson: There are so many organizations out there, Exodus International, I don’t know if they are continuing to hold on to their strong point but he could’ve given millions of dollars at the time to Exodus International.

LaBarbera: Well we wouldn’t support that now because they are starting to slide. John makes a good point, even a lot of AIDS groups, it’s like the point of faith, it’s not really faith of course, is pro-homosexuality.

Kirkwood: I think he was trying to establish his street cred with homosexuals because then he came out and said, ‘I have many, many homosexual friends.’ Marc Lamont Hill said, ‘I get the love part about AIDS but what about this’?

Hutcherson: I think the correct statement would be one that we make: we’re friends with many, many ex-homosexuals. That should be the statement because homosexuals are not going to stay around me if they don’t want to change.

Hutcherson said that if evangelical leaders like Warren and Americans do not begin to denounce homosexuality more fervently then God is going to get “sick and tired of America” and “really turn loose judgment on us.” LaBarbera added that Morgan is “obsessed” with homosexuality and that it is a religious “sacrament” to him, and Hutcherson explained that Morgan and others “promote homosexuality” and seek to “destroy God’s plan.”

Hutcherson: God does not have the same consequence for the same sin, bro. We’ve got to understand that as Christians and we better wake up soon because I think that one of the things God is showing us is that He’s getting a little sick and tired of America, he’s definitely having a holy throw up fest with his bride, we need to really stand back up and get this unity going or God is going to really turn loose judgment on us.

LaBarbera: You can tell what Piers Morgan’s religion is and one of the sacraments is homosexuality, I mean he is obsessed.

Hutcherson: Secularism. They know that if you really want to destroy God’s plan, promote homosexuality.

LaBarbera: Why is that?

Hutcherson: Because that is the sin that God says when you’ve turned a man over to his own lust, there is no hope.

Hutcherson warned that not only is God’s judgment coming but also that the Republic may collapse if the Republicans begin to abandon their anti-gay views, which Kirkwood likened to Republicans in the mid-1800s deserting their strong stance against slavery in order to win Southern votes.

Kirkwood: Ronald Reagan spoke about the three-legged stool and one of those legs was the social—pro-life, and back then it wasn’t even an issue the same-sex marriage thing—but if we abandon that leg of the stool we are no longer the Republican Party, we’d be the Whig Party again. The Republican Party was born on principle, the principle that all men are created equal. Yeah we could have picked up a lot more Southern votes if we didn’t believe that way when we were founded but if we start to believe that way now to prostitute ourselves for votes, they’re going to lose thirty percent of the Republican Party.

Hutcherson: What you’ve got to understand is it’s not just that we’re losing the Republican Party when you eliminate those legs, we’re losing America bro. If you cannot have a moral backing for our Republic, our Republic cannot stand.