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Huckabee Feigns Ignorance Of Bryan Fischer's Bigotry

Last night, Alan Colmes had Mike Huckabee on his radio program and asked him about all the news he has been making lately -  from criticizing Natalie Portman to claiming that President Obama grew up in Kenya - most of which he blamed on Media Matters.

But for our purposes, I want to highlight a section at the end of the interview where Colmes asked Huckabee about why he went on Bryan Fischer's radio program, given Fischer's unapologetic bigotry. 

Starting at the 11:00 mark, Colmes recounted some of Fischer's more recent outrages and Huckabee claimed that he was not responsible for the things said by the people who host the shows upon which he appears. But then Colmes inquired why he seemingly agreed when Fischer asserted that there is "some fundamental anti-Americanism" in President Obama.  At the time, Huckabee responded by saying "that's exactly the point that I make in the book," but when Colmes questioned him last night, Huckabee claimed he never meant to say Obama is anti-American because that is, in fact, the "polar opposite" of what he meant.  


But then Huckabee went on to claim that he is not familiar with Bryan Fischer or the things he says because he had never heard Fischer's radio show until he was on it for this interview:

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Really?  Because within the first ten seconds of his interview with Fischer, Fischer says it is "great to have you back on again":

On top of that, Huckabee shared the stage with Fischer at last year's Values Voter Summit and we even brought Fischer's long history of bigotry to his attention ... but Huckabee is claiming ignorance.