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How You Know That Trump Lost The Debate

Brenden Dilley is an overtly racist, unapologetically misogynistic, and gleefully amoral die hard Trump supporter who has established close ties not only to the Trump campaign, but to the former president himself, thanks to the role he plays in leading a “troll army” that relentlessly promotes Trump and attacks his enemies on social media.

Dilley has openly declared that he is willing to lie, cheat, and steal on behalf of Trump, and that willingness was on full display during his daily livestream program before Tuesday night's presidential debate, when he issued orders to his fellow Trump cultists to relentlessly attack Vice President Kamala Harris in the event that Trump lost the debate.

"If Donald Trump comes out and hits grand slams, it makes your job very easy," Dilley said. "But what if Donald Trump, if for any reason doesn't come out [on top]? ... You must be prepared to counterpunch more so than anything else."

"If, for any reason, it becomes apparent that they're going to railroad Trump, we must go on full fucking offense against Kamala no matter what," Dilley instructed. "It means we don't amplify or try to spin anything Trump was saying; we focus entirely on the goddamn lies that are coming out of her mouth. Do you understand? This is how you actually have to fight back against it. You pretend he's not on the debate stage and you go completely full fucking tilt against her. You highlight how stupid she is, how much she's lying, and we gotta be able to fact check in real time all of it."

"You can't make his debate performance look good if they have chosen to make him look bad," Dilley continued. "It will be almost impossible. But if you stay on top of Kamala and you bury her, then at best, if they go to try to railroad Trump, then our objective is to even that playing field to where it's at minimum a wash. That's what we're looking for. It's either we win or it's a tie, but what we will not give is a loss. We will not lose."

It is widely acknowledged that Trump lost the debate, which even Dilley seemed to recognize, given that today's program focused almost entirely on trying to spin the debate as a loss for Harris.

Asserting that Trump is already "a known quantity" and therefore had nothing to prove, Dilley insisted that onus was entirely on Harris to prove that she is not a "petty unlikable bitch" and he claimed that she failed.

"All she had to do was maintain a little bit of grace and likability and a little bit of buoyancy and it would have won over undecided voters in their first time experiencing Kamala Harris, and she totally failed," Dilley insisted. "Donald Trump getting somewhat angry and getting in the mud is not going to hurt him at all in this election; it's been nine years of this, it's already baked into the numbers. Kamala Harris taking the bait and getting in the mud and then getting triggered and upset and angry because President Trump kept referring to her as Joe Biden, that was the mistake she made."

"She came across as a petty, unlikable bitch and nobody in America, man or woman, wants to deal with a petty, unlikable bitch," he continued. "Kamala Harris, by every measure, totally failed the test last night. She was not trying to win over 50, 60, 70 percent of the country, she was trying to win over 4 to 8 percent of undecided voters who had never listened to her speak for an extended period of time and she fucking bombed."

Had Trump hit "grand slams," then presumably Dilley's show today would have been dedicated to gloating over the highlights, but that is not at all what happened. Instead, Dilley spent the show trying to convince fellow members of the Trump cult that it was Harris who had failed miserably, which is precisely the line of attack he announced, in advance, that he would use in response to Trump losing the debate.

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