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Horowitz: 'Obama Hates America,' 'Hates Our Military' And 'Imports Terrorists'

In an interview with Indianapolis talk radio host Greg Garrison last week, conservative activist David Horowitz railed against President Obama’s stance on immigration and his handling of the recent shooting of military service members in Chattanooga, claiming that Obama is trying to bring in immigrants who either carry deadly diseases or only want to come to the U.S. to kill Americans.

“When you let tens of thousands of illegals just run across your border, you import them, which is what Obama’s doing, from South America, which has bad health care and a bad environment, you’re going to import disease and kill Americans when you open your borders and bring in and allow — this isn’t even illegal, he’s importing Somalis and Nigerians and Yemenis,” Horowitz said. “We’re importing terrorists.”

He said that “Obama and the communists in the White House and the Democratic Party” show preference for people of “a darker shade of skin” while they “show their contempt for Americans at every turn.” Horowitz was also angry that the president ordered that public buildings fly the flag at half-staff five days after the Chattanooga shooting rather than earlier, leading him to conclude that “Obama hates America. He hates the Marines. He hates our military. He likes the Islamists.”

“Wake up America,” he continued. “There’s only one conservative who is even near to talking like this and that’s [Donald] Trump and that’s why he’s way ahead.”