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Horowitz: 'Liberals Aren't Liberal about Anything Except Hard Drugs, Sex and Spending Other People's Money'

Conservative activist David Horowitz joined Candace Pate and John Rabe on Truth that Transforms Radio today to discuss the state of liberalism in the United States.

Horowitz said, “I would like to ban the word liberal, because people who are called liberals aren’t liberal about anything except hard drugs, sex and spending other people’s money.” Instead, he argues that the Democratic Party is now controlled by leftist radicals who have learned to lie about their true agenda.

He went on to discuss how  progressives commit great crimes because, “If you thought that you could, you know, return us to Eden or create a world in which there’s no racism, no sexism, no homophobia, no poverty, no war, what lie would you not tell and what crime would you not commit to get there? And that’s why the greatest criminals of the 20th century were communists, were progressives. And they will be in this century as well."

Rabe: Are we as a nation being led in a direction that’s to the left of where maybe the average voter of either party is?

Horowitz: I would like to ban the word liberal, because people who are called liberals aren’t liberal about anything except hard drugs, sex and spending other people’s money.

Rabe: Fair point.

Horowitz: Otherwise, they want to control your life. That should be really, really clear to everybody. These are not liberals, they’re leftists. And Barack Obama is a Marxist radical. That’s his whole training. He came from the same left that I did. He was trained from birth, really, by his mother, Franklin Marshall, the people who tutored him. He was a Marxist in college, and his whole political career was shaped by, funded by Marxist radicals from the 60’s. That’s who he is.

But they learned one thing from the 60’s. I’ve written, actually, a pamphlet about this called “Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution,” which traces his upbringing but also his philosophy. What the left learned from their failures in the 60’s is: lie. Don’t tell people what your agendas are. Pretend to be a liberal. Don’t create riots outside Democratic Party conventions, as the left did in 1968, infiltrate the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is now a left-wing party. It’s agendas are socialist.

Horowitz: And that is what the left is about. They are a crypto-religion. They too believe that we are in a fallen state and that there will be a redemption. But guess who the redeemers are. It’s them.

Pate: Exactly.

Horowitz: And that’s why they kill so many people.

Pate: Very good.

Horowitz: Because if you thought that you could, you know, return us to Eden or create a world in which there’s no racism, no sexism, no homophobia, no poverty, no war, what lie would you not tell and what crime would you not commit to get there?

Rabe: Right.

Horowitz: And that’s why the greatest criminals of the 20th century were communists, were progressives. And they will be in this century as well.