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Homeschooling Advocate Warns Public Schools are Similar to Hitler Youth


Homeschooling advocate Colin Gunn is unrelenting in his attacks on the public school system in his documentary, “IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America,” which seeks to end the teaching of evolution and eradicate the “sinful” and secular public school system that he says subjects children to the philosophies of gays, progressives, and abortion rights activists.

In an interview with Voice of Christian Youth America’s Vic Eliason on Crosstalk, Gunn asserts that even the school bus is emblematic of the United States’ “totalitarian education system.”

Gunn alleges that public schools are persecuting Christians and compares public school education in the US to Nazi indoctrination through the Hitler Youth. Eliason echoes Gunn’s abhorrence of the public school system. According to Eliason, the teachers in the public school system who do not uphold and instill Christian ideology are performing “mental molestation,” which deserves to be recognized and punished alongside physical molestation.

Gunn: Draw a parallel between Nazi Germany where you have an authoritarian government that took over the whole nation, partially through the youth movement by co-opting all of the youth movement into the Hitler Youth, and therefore indoctrinating them into the class of this unbelief and this idolatry of the state. And so sadly that’s what we’re seeing very much today and we wonder why, why can’t people understand the abortion issue or these other issues that are political—well it’s because they’ve been indoctrinated. And we really can’t fix any political issue until we fix the public school system, controlling the future of America by controlling the hearts and minds of all the children that are sent there.

Gunn: The nature of the public schools is it allows your child to be subject to those philosophies, whether it is gay rights or the progressives or evolution, if you send your child there be aware that he’s open to all of those views which he wouldn’t be if you kept him home or you put him in a private school.

Eliason: Right now the news is a blare with a man who molested children, and he’s going to prison for the rest of his life. That’s physical molestation. But folks, there is mental molestation going on in the public school, and the people are getting by scot-free. And I’m not criticizing many fine Christian teachers who are trying to do their very best as they are employed in the public schools, but the molestation is a philosophy that is being pushed over all that literally is a molestation of the mind and nobody has a penalty for that.

Gunn does not stop at equating public school education to Nazism. He further claims that the teaching of evolution can contaminate “the culture of a school” and trigger violent incidences such as the Columbine school shooting. Gunn cautions that the “faith of many children are undermined very quickly in the science class,” and that the Bible should be basis of “understanding of real science.”

Gunn: We cover the story of Columbine where a man loses his child to a system that teaches evolution, because as a result of the culture of the school, he lost his own son. So it’s really important to hear the testimonies in our film and be warned.

Eliason: I was talking to [Creationism advocate] Ken Ham about a pastor who was telling his young people, he said there are some people who believe in Creation in six days and some people who believe in the Big Bang Theory, but whatever you like that’s fine, and Ken put it this way, he said, if you can’t be sure about the miraculous power of God to create as the Bible says it, why should a kid believe anything else that’s in that book?

Gunn: Absolutely, I think the faith of many children are undermined very quickly in the science class when they’re taught and the Bible is literally discredited in front of them rather than it being an understanding of real science, which is creation science.

Eliason also alleges that the public school system is being pervaded by homosexuality, which he calls an “abnormal, aberrant lifestyle,” and claims that there is a correspondence between gay awareness and academic mediocrity.

The godless mentality of the issues of lifestyle, we’re talking about homosexuality being diversity, and pressing for diversity training to kids. And of course we’re not talking about hating people, but when you have abnormal, aberrant lifestyles that are being paraded as normality, isn’t there some wonder that parents would be upset?

Some years back, Colin, here in the Milwaukee school system, they had manuals, three ring binders, hard-cover binders, complete with about at least an inch of material that had been put together. And they had hundreds of these binders that were being passed out to the teachers. The binders and the booklets were made by GLSEN, which is the Gay Lesbian Straight Alliance [sic]. They were hoping to provide vital information to teachers as how to infuse the subject of homosexuality in a way that would give more normal handling of it, as they talked about Heather has Two Mommies, or somebody else has two daddy’s. And we’re seeing this type of thing along with the weakness of academic excellence.