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Hoffman: The Right's Choice

I knew that the Right had gone all-in behind Doug Hoffman's campaign in the special election in New York's 23rd congressional district, but I didn't realize how complete this mobilization was until I took a look at his endorsement list - it reads like a list of the top individuals and organizations we track on this blog:

Fred Thompson
Club For Growth
Concerned Women for America
Susan B. Anthony List
American Conservative Union
Citizens United Political Victory Fund
Campaign for Working Families
NYS Right to Life PAC
Government Is Not God-PAC
Conservative Victory Fund
Eagle Forum
National Organization for Marriage
America's Independent Party
Dick Armey
Steve Forbes
Sarah Palin
Rick Santorum
U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas)
James Dobson, PhD
Tim Pawlenty
Jim Demint
National Conservative Fund
Gun Owners of American-PVF
Life and Liberty PAC
Minuteman PAC
Congressman Jeff Flake - AZ
Family Research Council PAC
Freedom First PAC
Congressman Steve King - IA

Update: See this letter from the National Conservative Campaign Fund for even more evidence of Hoffman's right-wing support.