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Hillman: God Might Destroy America for Tolerating Gays

Os Hillman has recently been writing about how conservatives can make overtures to their Satanic gay friends and even bring about a “reduction in the gay population.” Today in a Charisma column titled “4 Questions to Consider in Response to the Gay Agenda,” he warned that America may soon face divine punishment for tolerating gay people.

He said that tolerance has become a “cultural idol” and its own “god,” which has allowed a “liberal and unholy leadership to rise in power.” Hillman fears that a divine “day of reckoning” is imminent and that God may soon destroy America just as he commissioned the Israelites to wipe out the Amorites.

The sad truth is that our nation has already become a secular nation. The values represented today among leadership, the media and the majority reveal that we are a nation headed the way of Europe, where God is no longer allowed in the public discourse of government. The idea that moral considerations should be part of the discussion is now taboo. As such, we can expect to see God remove His hand of protection if this trend continues. There is a remnant in the nation that still hold true to the absolutes of God’s Word, but this remnant is getting smaller in number.

Israel’s sin was the worship of idols. God judged them by allowing their enemies to defeat them. Other times He allowed liberal and unholy leadership to rise in power. In other words, the spiritual condition of the greater majority led to them being given a leader who reflected their spiritual condition. The more ungodly the people became, the more they embraced leaders who reflected their values.

We can see this taking place today in America. We are the frog in the kettle in which the water is gradually getting hotter and hotter until it is too late.

The cultural idol of today is tolerance. Young people are reflecting more and more a belief system that is not based on any absolutes. Their god is the god of tolerance: “You do what you want as long as it doesn’t affect me.” We have made personal rights a national idol, regardless of the moral consequences. Israel made the same mistake regarding foreign idols.

It all becomes a slippery slope when you remove the moral dimension. We will end up like Canada, where it is unlawful to preach against homosexuality, which could lead to the removal of a church’s nonprofit status if a pastor teaches what the Bible says, making it a hate crime for discrimination against a group of people. Government and businesses would now have to offer the same benefits to homosexual couples as it does to heterosexual couples.

Day of Reckoning

When God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 15, He described His plan for Abraham and the nation of Israel. He told Abraham that He would bring him into the Promised Land after 400 years of slavery.

God used interesting terminology when describing one of the catalysts for this work to begin. He said “the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete” (Gen. 15:16), which would be the catalyst for the people of Israel to go into the Promised Land. The Amorites were a very ungodly people. God saw their sin as so great that He was going to use the Israelites to wipe them out. There is a place in nations where God begins to judge unrighteousness.

America is not immune to the judgment of God. We can expect God to judge the sins of our nation as our sins get greater and greater. Pray that God has mercy on our nation and that He will raise up a generation of righteous leaders and change agents who believe leadership must include morally based governance. God can shift the culture back to Himself in one day if His people get in alignment with Him and His ways. However, it always starts with us.