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Herman Cain's Editor Warns Marijuana 'Invites Demonic Infestation'

Dan Calabrese, the editor-in-chief of Herman Cain’s website, has grabbed plenty of attention with his rants about gay people, attacks on pro-choice women and promotion of the Hillary Clinton “shoe truther” conspiracy.

Today, the former Republican presidential candidate tweeted a column by Calabrese criticizing activists working to reform marijuana laws as “idiotic” and “dumb.”

“Knowing what we now know (although some of us have understood it for a long time) about the brains of pot smokers, it's not surprise they spew such foolishness,” Calabrese writes.

At the end of the column, he adds that he has “more about the spiritual implications of this issue over at my site.”

There, Calabrese claims that smoking marijuana “invites demonic infestation” and “puts a person at serious risk of demonic attack,” warning that “strident marijuana activists” have turned marijuana into their “god” and have given themselves “over to the spiritual enemies of God”:

But let me show you why smoking pot presents an even bigger problem for you, which is: It invites demonic infestation into your spirit.

The use of mind-altering substance for “recreational” purposes puts a person at serious risk of demonic attack because what you’re doing is rejecting the natural chemicals God already put in your body as insufficient to satisfy you physically and emotionally.

The chemicals God put into your body are designed to operate in exactly the way God intends. As long as you are satisfied with the workings of those chemicals, you will be able to operate in a clear-headed manner and exercise good judgment. Once you decide God’s chemicals are not enough for you, and you seek an artificial alternative to alter the state of your mind, you give yourself over to the spiritual enemies of God – because they’re the ones who convinced you that God’s proposition was insufficient for you.

You can clearly see this in the behavior of the most strident marijuana activists, who constantly talk about their favored weed and in many cases make it the primary cause of their lives to make it legal so they can smoke it without sanction of any kind.

When something is the most important thing in your life, there’s a term we use for that. It’s your god.

When you’re operating in faith, you’re operating under the presumption that God has already given you everything you need and that you can trust His provisions. You want to be happy? To be relaxed? To be mellow? To be comfortable socially? To just plain old feel better? Trust God’s provisions.

When you decide God’s provisions are insufficient for you such that you need to risk the brain alteration caused by marijuana in order to experience these things, you’ve engaged in fellowship with demons. And once you do that, you’ve given them dominion over your life.

I have long believed that Christians should avoid all use of mind-altering substances, including alcohol, not so much because “it’s a sin” but because it puts you at a disadvantage in the spiritual battle. I don’t even really know what to do with dopey questions like, “Are you saying I can’t have a beer once in awhile?” I’m not saying you can’t do anything. I’m saying that if you want to be spiritually clean and strong, this is the best strategy. Reject it at your peril.

Understand this, too: What happens in the spiritual becomes manifest in the natural. It’s not for no reason your brain doesn’t function as well once you’ve smoked pot. You’ve given yourself over to spiritual darkness. Your physical body – which is supposed to be a temple to the Lord – will absolutely pay a price as a result. You’ve invited demonic spirits to alter your physiology. You don’t think they’re going to do that in accordance with their agenda?