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Heck Fondly Reminisces About The Days When Homosexuality Was Illegal

Radio talk show host Peter Heck is livid about the success of the “anti-family, pro-sexual anarchy movement” that he blames for increasing support in America for gay rights and marriage equality. Heck, who rarely has kind words for the gay community, writes in a column this week for the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow that gay rights advocates are denigrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement.

Heck, addressing Jesse Jackson’s observation that Occupy Wall Street is making use of some of the same tools and ideas that Dr. King used, writes that Jackson’s comparison “is only slightly less offensive” than comparisons of the gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. In contrast to Dr. King’s movement, Heck writes, the gay rights movement is composed of “grown men prancing around American city streets in tutus and G-strings, flinging pixie dust and condoms”:

Jackson's false comparison is only slightly less offensive than those who claim to see a connection between Dr. King's street prayer vigils and the grown men prancing around American city streets in tutus and G-strings, flinging pixie dust and condoms at their gay pride parades. King preached fidelity to biblical morality, something eschewed by the sexual anarchists of the left.

On his radio show last week, Heck, incensed that gay and lesbian couples now have the right to marry in several states, reminisced about the days when homosexuality was “a forbidden vice” and was “something that was against the law.” He took issue with the Supreme Court’s 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down state laws criminalizing sodomy, and wondered how “we have gone from something—the day before that ruling, homosexuality, a vice something that is illegal to be done, to the point where we are now where you have Governor Cuomo marching in the streets of New York celebrating the codifying of homosexual relationships.”


When you step back, and you look at what has been achieved by this anti-family, pro-sexual anarchy movement and crowd and the left in just the last just ten years alone it’s remarkable. I don’t know if remarkable is the right descriptor for it but it’s unbelievable. How does that happen? Let’s zero in on homosexuality, specifically the practice of homosexuality, how does something go from being a forbidden vice, which is what it was, something that was against the law, to the point where it is now being publicly embraced and endorsed by sitting governors and even presidents of the United States? How does that happen? In such a short period of time, how does that happen? Relatively short, we’re talking what, a couple decades? When was the sodomy case, I mean it was what, the ’90s? I’ll have to look it up I don’t know the exact date but it hasn’t been that long ago that sodomy was allowed by the Court, and in that period of time we have gone from something—the day before that ruling, homosexuality, a vice something that is illegal to be done, to the point where we are now, where you have Governor Cuomo marching in the streets of New York celebrating the codifying of homosexual relationships. How does that happen in such a short period of time?