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Heck: Bachmann Clinic Would've Been Disreputable If It Didn’t Offer Reparative Therapy

Conservative columnist and radio host Peter Heck is defending Michele and Marcus Bachmann against what he calls the “inquisition” against them following news that their clinic practiced “ex-gay” reparative therapy. Heck writes that the Bachmanns, not the gay and lesbian patients who have to go through “ex-gay” therapy, are the real victims of the story, and contends that the “real scandal would be if a supposed Christian clinic like Bachmann's didn't offer this kind of hope for those with unwanted same-sex attraction”:

Break out the pitchforks and light the torches! The leftist media is in the midst of launching a modern-day version of the Salem Witch Trials. Except this time the target isn't those who blaspheme against the Christian religion, but rather those who practice it. The inquisition began almost two weeks ago when Diane Sawyer and her ABC World News Tonight team christened a very provocative and alarming "investigation" into the beliefs of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and her husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann.

Along with the hypocrisy comes the blatant inconsistency. Irreligious, or at least humanistic liberals, are always quick to point to the Constitutional ban on "religious tests" for federal office when they are touting one of their godless candidates. While butchering the context within which this Article VI prohibition was written, liberals tell everyone who will listen that a person's religious beliefs (or unbelief) are immaterial in considering their qualifications. But then why does Chris Matthews want Republican candidates grilled over whether they believe in a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account? And why does ABC tout the work of a left-wing group "investigating" the Bachmann family's religious views on homosexuality? Apparently the left believes in selective application of the ban.

Finally, and most importantly, the hate and discrimination these liberal media types are stoking by their actions cannot be excused or overlooked. ABC's investigation implies that there is something scandalous about a Christian clinic that seeks to use prayer and biblical teaching to turn a person away from what the Bible calls sin. ABC seriously unaware that this is what Christians do? The real scandal would be if a supposed Christian clinic like Bachmann's didn't offer this kind of hope for those with unwanted same-sex attraction.