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Harvey: Gays like Bullies and Terrorists, Putting Boy Scouts at Risk for Sexual Abuse

Linda Harvey of Mission America is clearly devastated by the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly gay youth and in a radio commentary said that the “truly heartbreaking” vote was “a slam on authentic boyhood and manhood” that will have “our children corrupted as a result.”

The Boy Scouts of America embraced open homosexual attraction for boys. Boys can now identify as gay and announce that to the whole troop, and this is OK. The vote was 61 percent in favor. It’s truly heartbreaking to watch the morals of a revered institution disintegrate in this way, and our children corrupted as a result. America, how did we get here? The statement coming out of the Boy Scout organization said that even though they knew this would be controversial, “We can all agree that kids are better off in scouting.” Well, not true. This statement is just as naive and foolish as the proposal itself. No, we can’t all agree that boys are better in scouting, not now. Knowledgeable parents will move their boys at the earliest possible time to a much better organization. Why? Because many, if not most, troops will quickly become homosexually affirming climates either in theory or in real-time practice. This is a vote of weakness and a slam on authentic boyhood and manhood.

Folks, whatever the motivation for this move, it’s insane. Troops are not supposed to be social experiments or, possibly, therapy centers for troubled boys who may be leaning toward homosexuality. As we’ve said here before, kids who have same-sex attractions can change and often do by adulthood. But it is not healthy or right to involve other children with these very personal struggles as confused boys are figuring all this out, or maybe not figuring it out.

Writing in WorldNetDaily(link is external), Harvey accused gay rights activists of supporting child abuse and using “tactics that increasingly resemble childish middle-school bullies morphing into terrorists.”

Condom training, cross-dressing troop members and lessons on “homophobia”: Welcome to the new, improved Boy Scouts of America.

Well, “gay activism” happened, and the pressure was apparently too much. It just goes to show you how much influence this lobby has, with tactics that increasingly resemble childish middle-school bullies morphing into terrorists. And Boy Scout parents and leaders who actually believe the pink mafia will stop here are beyond naïve.

As time rolls on, there will be incidents of abuse. Will the Boy Scout organization report these? Let’s not kid ourselves. They just showed how compromised/intimidated/clueless they are. Expect cover-up upon cover-up in the future, eventually resembling the Catholic Church scandal.

The climate of assent will erode each boy’s code of ethics, either quickly or slowly, but it will happen. It will erode the Christian boy’s reliance on Scripture, his relationship with the real, living Almighty God and our Savior Jesus Christ. If he begins to doubt that God actually is our Creator, the One who decided long ago what is good and what is evil, and did condemn homosexual behavior as a sin, and if he is lulled into failing to use the brain God gave him to observe that two men together is observably wrong, this is a boy who is being enabled in truth denial. He is then vulnerable to all kinds of other corruption and, without an anchor, is really no different than any un-Scouted kid in our rudderless society.