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Happy 'Darwin Was Wrong Day'

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, the Kentucky-based group behind the Creation Museum and the Noah’s Ark theme park, is marking Charles Darwin’s birthday today by declaring it “Darwin Was Wrong Day” and asking his fellow Creationists to pray for people who believe in evolution.

According to Ham, people who have taken part in mocking “Darwin Was Wrong Day” prove that Creationism was right all along, as such critics “are suppressing that truth in unrighteousness.”

We have already received many positive responses with people sharing the news with others, and as we suspected, we also got a lot of response from secularists. Shortly after we announced Darwin Was Wrong Day, the Internet exploded with responses both positive and negative alike. The secularists particularly took to Twitter—we obviously hit a nerve. But why are they fighting so hard against a God that they don’t even believe exists? Well, because they really do know that God exists, but they are suppressing that truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18–19).

We are thankful for the publicity! Even if they are mocking us, they are helping to spread the message that there are people who are speaking against this religion of naturalism and proclaim the truth of God’s Word. God can certainly take what they intended for harm and use it for good—to help others to realize the truth of God’s Word from the very beginning.

Instead of replying to these massive scientific problems with evolution, secularists do what they usually do—mock us. And if they do respond, they bring up the same old arguments such as speciation supposedly supports molecules-to-man evolution. However, creation scientists have refuted this claim many times (and there are several articles dealing with this on as they explain the real observational science of genetics.

Ham also railed against gay rights, which he blamed on growing skepticism of Creationism.

He was especially peeved by ad campaigns from companies like Hallmark and Nikon featuring same-sex couples, saying that such advertisements “are a sign of the times we live in—times of disobedience to, and a rejection of, God’s Word.”

This rejection of God’s Word as the authority is clearly seen in issues related to marriage. Since God created marriage, only God has the right to define marriage. But, as our culture has rejected God’s Word beginning in Genesis, we’ve quickly seen biblical marriage disappear. For example, recently parts of Alabama began reportedly issuing gay marriage licenses. Apparently this has been a very controversial decision in the state and the controversy is just another sign of the times.

Secular companies are increasingly producing ads that promote or attempting to what they call “normalize” homosexual behavior and gay marriage. For example, as a part of its “Put Your Heart to Paper” campaign, Hallmark featured the story of a young lesbian couple. And Nikon featured the story and a gallery of photos of a family of three children with their gay fathers. Now, these companies are secular companies that don’t claim to start their thinking on God’s Word, so of course they will develop their companies based on their own reasoning. But what these ads show is the increasing acceptance in our culture of ideas that are completely contrary to biblical principles. They are a sign of the times we live in—times of disobedience to, and a rejection of, God’s Word!

And I believe they are a sign that we live in a time in which God is turning the culture over, withdrawing the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit, and pouring out judgment. I suggest that Romans 1 is really a picture of the culture in the US today (and really throughout the Western world). In Romans 1 we read about those who rebel against the Creator God:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. (Romans 1:18).

And so we are told, “Therefore God gave them up” (Romans 1:24).

And as we read on in Romans 1, we are told that as a consequence—as a sign that God is judging and giving the culture over—is the sign of increasing homosexual behavior:

For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. (Romans 1:26–28)

This is clearly a picture of our culture today—a culture that has been progressively throwing out reminders of the Christian message and imposing the religion of naturalism (atheism) on generations of children in much of the public education system. This is a culture where much of the church has compromised the authority of the Word, and many Christians as well as non-Christians condone the murdering of millions of children (over 55 million since 1973) by abortion. Yes, God’s wrath will be felt in this culture.