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Guarantee Of 10 Million 'Operation American Spring' Protesters Off By Just Under 10 Million

Operation American Spring took place today as Tea Party-inspired organizers gathered for a “gigantic, massive rally” of up to “30 million people” who claimed they will not leave Washington D.C. until President Obama resigns from office or is forced out in a coup.

The event followed in the footsteps of other right-wing demonstrations that likewise aimed to flood the capital with millions of supporters and disrupt commerce until Obama was ousted, only this time rally organizers guaranteed that a “verified” minimum of 10 million people would show up.

Attendees took turns speaking to the crowd, including one man from New Hampshire who said it was a “disgrace” that “only “four or five hundred people showed up” (by our count, just over one hundred people were present).

After recounting a story about how he was purportedly persecuted by the Capitol Police, he told the crowd: “This is the America that you all live in today, and it has to end. I’m telling you right now, it’s going to take — in my view — a little blood, it’s going to happen, this day is coming and you better be willing to pay for it.”

Another speaker spent her time criticizing Michelle Obama, the “murderer” Eric Holder, and “Killary Clinton” over Benghazi.

Despite claims that the rally would be packed with militia members, the atmosphere of the event was more like a picnic.

As you can see:

Operation American Spring leaders claimed that God supported their efforts, and the event included religious imagery.

Here they come to arrest Obama:

Despite the fact that the rally attendance was more in the dozens than the tens of millions, organizer Jim Garrow was still pretty sure President Obama would shut down access to Washington Area Traffic Camera Feeds so people wouldn’t see the masses descending on the capital.