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Government Is Not God PAC: 'If Homosexuals Win, The Bill of Rights Dies'

The Religious Right group Government Is Not God PAC in a message to members this week warning that if the Supreme Court strikes down Proposition 8 and DOMA then “religious freedom, freedom of speech and the First Amendment will die.”

“If homosexuals win, the Bill of Rights dies and religious liberty/free speech will die with it,” GING PAC argued. “We either fight this evil or see our children and grandchildren brainwashed and/or coerced into accepting homosexuality as the new normal in our society.”

The group went on to say that “no institution will be safe from being homosexualized” and that society will soon “see our children and grandchildren brainwashed and/or coerced into accepting homosexuality as the new normal in our society,” as anti-gay activism “will be punishable by suppression, fines, or even jail sentences.”

If the U.S. Supreme Court decides that “marriage” in the United States includes so-called “gay” couples, religious freedom, freedom of speech and the First Amendment will die.

Once “gay” marriage is given the Supreme Court’s stamp of approval, any opposition to these bizarre sexual unions will be considered a violation of the law of the land and will be punishable by suppression, fines, or even jail sentences.

Every private institution – including religious ones – will be relentlessly attacked for “discriminating” against “gays.” No institution will be safe from being homosexualized.

Even secular groups like the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) are already feeling the growing wrath and viciousness of the “gay” political movement. Homosexual activists in the California legislature won passage of a bill – signed into law – that prohibits NARTH counselors from treating minors who freely contact them for help in overcoming same-sex attractions. NARTH won an injunction against the law, but the battle is far from over.

“Gay” activists only one point of view expressed in our culture: Theirs. And, they’re willing to suppress the free speech and religion of anyone who opposes them.

What’s ahead in America is what has already happened in The Netherlands. In a document published in The Netherlands Institute for Social Research publication, “Acceptance of Homosexuality in the Netherlands, 2011,” the authors stated: “The Dutch government is committed to increasing the social acceptance of homosexuality among ethnic minorities, members of orthodox religions, and the young – all groups which emerge in nationally representative surveys as having more difficulties than average with homosexuality.” (p. 24).

In other words, The Netherlands government is going to actively brainwash its population – including religious populations – into accepting homosexuality as normal and a positive good in society.

“Gay” activists have already infiltrated our military and can now brazenly promote their political goals inside the finest armed forces in the world. They’re relentlessly attacking the Boy Scouts for refusing to permit homosexual leaders or members. And, they routinely attack business owners – like the owner of Chick-fil-A – for expressing support for the God-ordained institution of marriage between one man and one woman.

Whatever the left-leaning Supreme Court decides, be sure of this: The battle will never end over the moral clash between homosexuals and biblical Christianity. If homosexuals win, the Bill of Rights dies and religious liberty/free speech will die with it. We either fight this evil or see our children and grandchildren brainwashed and/or coerced into accepting homosexuality as the new normal in our society.