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Gordon Klingenschmitt Is Running for City Council in Colorado Springs

Back in 2014, Religious Right activist Gordon "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt won a seat in the Colorado House of Representatives despite his long history of saying truly outrageous things, such as warning that the FCC was allowing demonic spirits to “molest and visually rape your children” and asserting that the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy should never have been repealed since gay soldiers cannot serve effectively in combat because they are constantly “taking breaks on the combat field to change diapers all because their treacherous sin causes them to lose control of their bowels.”

Unsurprisingly, Klingenschmitt’s term in office was repeatedly marked by controversy, as he was at one point stripped of a committee assignment after saying that a brutal attack on a pregnant woman in Colorado was the result of “the curse of God upon America” for allowing legal abortion.

Amid his disastrous term in office, Klingenschmitt for some reason decided to seek higher office and ran for a seat in the state Senate, only to be trounced in the Republican primary. After leaving office, Klingenschmitt then sought to become vice chair of the El Paso County GOP, only to once again go down in defeat.

Undaunted by his repeated losses, Klingenschmitt has now announced that he is running for a seat on the City Council in Colorado Springs:

I have exciting news.

I'm running for City Council in Colorado Springs.

If you can please donate $5 or more today HERE, to help Gordon win.
(Donations are not limited by amount. Any American can donate.)

If you can volunteer or simply endorse me, please sign this unofficial petition, free.

We can win, and my vision is simple: FASTER, BETTER, CHEAPER GOVERNMENT

Here are my 10 Questions for the voters of Colorado Springs:

1) With Jared Polis as Governor and Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, why do we allow liberals to rule City Council 6-3 over conservatives?

2) Why do we now pay higher sales tax (8.25%) than Denver (7.65%)?

3) Why have they raised taxes/fees 3 times in 3 years?

4) Why did they complain of urgent financial crises, only to raise all city employees' pay?

5) Why did they just hike your electric bills when one employee is paid $480,000?

6) Why is our Mayor paid 30% more than the Governor?

7) How can we better support Police-Fire-Medical first responders with more efficient City-County partnerships?

8) Why are they taxing churches as commercial entities and calling it a fee?

9) Why don't we elect conservatives who cut taxes to city council?

10) Don't get me started on bike lanes...


Since leaving office, Klingenschmit has continued to promote his radical views via his "Pray In Jesus Name" program, where he has declared, among other things, that his critics are demon-possessed, that those who criticize President Trump need an exorcism, that Democrats "serve the devil," that gay people should be barred from being teachers "because of their immorality," and that God would heal all diseases if America would simply stop funding Planned Parenthood.

In addition to those outrageous views, Klingenschmitt has also been very open about his belief that Christians must run for office so that the church can “take over the government” and implement the will of God here on earth.

“The church should become the state," Klingenschmitt said in 2017. "The church should take over the government.”