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GOP Congressman Set To Appear With Activist Who Wants Obama Killed For Treason

Republican congressman Kerry Bentivolio is set to appear at a right-wing conference taking place May 16-18 with an activist who believes President Obama should be killed. “The Freedom Summit: Prepare to Govern!,” organized by the Michigan Conservative Political Action Conference, is hosting the Michigan congressman along with Jim Garrow, a conservative conspiracy theorist who claims he used to be a US intelligence agent.

Other scheduled speakers include Paul Vallely, the former general who floated the idea of leading an anti-Obama “revolution”; RNC Committeeman Dave Agema, notorious for his anti-gay remarks; anti-Obama conspiracy theorist Trevor Loudon; conservative activist Cleta Mitchell and far-right professor and Michele Bachmann’s mentor John Eidsmoe.

Garrow has appeared on several fringe media outlets to promote his claim that Obama plotted to kill 300 million people through a nuclear EMP attack on America, which he said was attempted at the behest of George Soros.

He even alleged that the Obama administration is preparing to launch a new anti-American plot with the help of aliens and Canadian troops, warning that Obama seeks “to wipe us out.”

Garrow has claimed that President Obama and administration officials are “guilty of treason” and therefore “you’re supposed to hang them.” “Obama himself has been a traitor and been involved in treason against the Republic, for which you know the penalty is death,” he said.

He believes Obama “needs to be in fact tried for treason and of course the finality of that is a man gets either put up against a wall and shot or hung.”

Garrow also said Obama is like a “rabid dog” who needs to be “put down for the protection of the innocent and to prevent the spread of disease,” and in an interview with Erik Rush wondered why White House officials are “not going to be stoned to death or hung from gallows.”

Unsurprinsingly, he has repeatedly called for a military coup and a “guerrilla war” against Obama, or as he calls him “Bathhouse Barry.”

“Why is he still sitting in the Oval Office and not in chains and under arrest,” Garrow asked in one Facebook post.

When not calling for Obama’s death, Garrow concocts conspiracy theories about how Obama blew up the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, plans to impose Sharia law and guillotine executions and will declare himself to be the Twelfth Imam.

While it seems that Rep. Bentivolio, who has said he “dreams” of impeaching Obama, is set to share a stage with a conspiracy theorist who has made repeated statements demanding Obama’s execution, he wouldn’t be the first GOP congressman to link up with such an activist, as it was only last year that Rep. Steve Stockman invited Ted Nugent to the State of the Union Address after the musician called for Obama to “suck on my machine gun.”