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Gohmert: Obama 'Allowing Evil People To Take Over The World'

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas joined a conference call last week organized by Tea Party Unity, the conservative group founded by Texas pastor Rick Scarborough, to warn listeners that President Obama is trying to “achieve peace by allowing evil people to take over the world.”

He warned that God may soon remove his hand of protection from America, leaving no place in the world safe for liberty and freedom…except for Israel.

I know, Rick, you probably hear people say, ‘Well if it gets much worse, maybe I just need to go to an island somewhere or go to a different country.’ Let me tell you folks, when the United States is not around with its protective hand in the world to protect freedom and liberty and freedom from abuse, then there is no other place to go. Maybe Israel. But when God removes his protective hand from America, this isn’t a safe place either. I hope and pray people will wake up. You cannot achieve peace by allowing evil people to take over the world, that’s not how it works.