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Gohmert Claims Obamacare Will Lead To Mass Unemployment, Refusal Of Pacemakers

Yesterday, after suggesting that the Obama administration is opening the door for domestic terrorism and aiding Al Qaeda, Rep. Louie Gohmert and talk show host Lars Larson talked about the alleged dangers of Obamacare. The Texas Republican claimed that once “Obamacare kicks in fully, you can’t get your pacemaker, you can’t have this, you can’t have that.”

He then went after PolitiFact and accused them of being “Democratic operatives” for refuting one of his claims about the reform law. While PolitiFact, a non-partisan group, has rebutted plenty of Gohmert’s untrue statements, he was actually referring to a report by, which is run by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center.

“It’s just so bad for most Americans, it’s just terrible,” Gohmert claimed.

Gohmert also attacked the Senate immigration bill for including a Republican provision that prevents formerly undocumented immigrants from receiving health insurance subsidies.

Gohmert: The Senate says there solution is the immigration bill they passed because under their immigration bill companies would have a hard time not doing what the Senate bill encourages and that is firing every fulltime American employee and hiring the immigrants who have just been given legal status because if you fire the Americans and hire the people that came in illegally, they get legal status under the Senate bill, then you don’t have to provide them Obamacare insurance or pay the fines. SO maybe if the Senate got everything they wanted, both Obamacare and their amnesty bill, you’d have most Americans that work for big companies losing their jobs all over America.

Larson: So we’re just going to hand all the jobs to people who aren’t legally in the country and say they’re cheaper to employ because we don’t have to buy health insurance for them.

Gohmert: Right, exactly. That’s what the Senate immigration bill does.