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God Will Bless Operation American Spring, Or Prepare For Violence

During an appearance last month on a birther radio program, Operation American Spring organizer Harry Riley predicted that his protest campaign to force President Obama out of office will work because “it’s bathed in prayer” and “under God.”

After wildly overstating the number of gun owners in the U.S., Riley said that if government officials “don’t do what we’re suggesting or what we’re demanding,” then Americans could see “a violent condition erupt in our nation.”

It’s an honorable movement, it’s bathed in prayer. We’ve got a tab on our website where we’ve got a list of prayer warriors that are working every day in prayer for us. We’re bathed—it’s under God and we’re going to move up there and trust Him that it will work out because we believe it’s noble, it’s an honorable effort.

The facts I have, the documents I have say there’s 267 million armed citizens in the United States. We don’t want to get there, I’m sure you don’t because you’ve been probably in combat over in Iraq and the Middle East, that’s what we don’t want to do and that’s why we hope and pray that when we field 10-15 million people up there that that’s enough evidence for these boneheads in Washington D.C. to grasp our message, to grasp what we’re telling them that if they don’t do what we’re suggesting or what we’re demanding, then the next option is something that none of us want to see. Those of us that have been in a foxhole, we don’t want to see a violent condition erupt in our nation.