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God Killed Operation Save America's Rusty Thomas To Convince Him To Join The Ministry

On a recent "Pray In Jesus Name" program, Gordon Klingenschmitt interviewed Operation Save America's Rusty Thomas about his right-wing, anti-choice activism, which Thomas explained all began back when God literally killed him in order to convince him to join the ministry. 

As Thomas explained, God had "separated me from my mother's womb and called me to preach His word," but Thomas had disobediently ignored that calling and instead sought to become an actor. But just as his acting career was beginning to take off, God appeared in Thomas' bedroom and killed him in order to make him change direction.

"He literally came into my room one night and killed me," Thomas proclaimed, "literally sucked me out of my body and He had some pointed words for me, such as, 'Son, if you don't get this right, I'm going to take you out.' I literally know what death is like; you're checking out of your body and you can't stop it, you're going. And I remember screaming, whether somebody heard me or not, I remember screaming, 'Oh God, please give me another chance' and he put me back into my body and I had two fiery revelations: (a) I got the fear of God, which I did not have before as child of God, and (b) I thought it was a good idea to go into the ministry."