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Glenn Beck's Network Has Now Been Infiltrated By Members Of A Muslim Brotherhood Front Group

Last year, Glenn Beck launched a campaign to get right-wing anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist removed from his position on the board of the National Rifle Association on the grounds that Norquist is "a very bad man" who has been serving as a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Beck was so alarmed by the danger that Norquist poses to the NRA that he threatened to cancel his lifetime membership in the organization if Norquist was not removed from the board. The NRA, in response, promised to launch an investigation into the allegations against Norquist that would be fully transparent and the results of which would be published on its website.

Those results never were made public, but the investigation reportedly found that the case against Norquist was without merit and the organization declined to remove him from the board.

That prompted Beck to throw his support behind an effort to remove Norquist via a recall vote, but that too failed and Beck predictably backtracked from his threat to quit the organization if Norquist wasn't removed.

Now, instead of distancing himself from the NRA, it looks like the NRA is infiltrating Beck's own network as yesterday it was announced that The Blaze's Dana Loesch had been named as a special adviser on women's policy for the NRA:

Dana Loesch, the conservative leader and nationally syndicated radio host, will serve as a Special Advisor on Women's Policy for National Rifle Association Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre. The move is effective immediately, LaPierre announced today.

"Dana is a talented and influential leader and communicator," LaPierre said. "In her role as an NRA Commentator, as well as leading the fight for freedom for more than a decade, she has become a leading voice for Second Amendment freedom and a tremendous advocate for the rights of American women. Expanding her role as an advisor on women's issues, and particularly as a national spokesperson for the 5 million men and women of the NRA, strengthens our organization and our voice."

Loesch said she was eager to accept the challenges of her new role. "I applaud Wayne LaPierre for his vision to bring greater advocacy to bear for the Second Amendment freedom of all Americans, especially women," Loesch said, "and I look forward to facing the national news media and defending our freedom with great enthusiasm."

A year ago, Beck declared that Norquist was such "a very bad influence and a very bad man that if this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors, I don't think I can be associated with them" because it was proof that the organization has been infiltrated by Islamic radicals.

To use Beck's logic, this means that the dangerously compromised NRA has now managed to reach its tentacles directly into his own network by ensnaring Loesch, one of its most high-profile and popular hosts.