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Glenn Beck Unloads On 'GOP, RNC Idiots' Who 'Don't Know Your Ass From Your Elbow'

Glenn Beck got rather riled up on his radio program today, fuming at the Republican Party for supposedly ignoring the values of the Tea Party movement and thereby allowing the Democrats to co-opt the movement's messaging during the Democratic National Convention this week.

"Here's the message the GOP — shame on you  needs to hear," Beck said. "You don't know your ass from your elbow!"

Democrats, Beck claimed, realized that average voters connect with "the Tea Party values, the constitutional values, the red, white and blue values, the values of our founders" and so the party co-opted that messaging and put it front and center during the convention in an effort to appeal to moderate and conservative voters who are uneasy about supporting Donald Trump.

The Tea Party movement was on the verge of victory and of finally saving America, Beck said, but the GOP squandered the opportunity by nominating Trump, thus allowing the Democrats to cynically appropriate Tea Party messaging in order to trick voters into supporting Hillary Clinton.

"GOP, RNC idiots!" Beck seethed(link is external). "You idiots! Maybe after you get your ass handed to you by a bunch of Marxist revolutionary radicals who have just cloaked themselves as you, maybe you'll figure it out!"