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Glenn Beck Says The NRA Board Supports Grover Norquist Because He 'Cried At A Hearing'

Glenn Beck continues to promote his campaign to get right-wing anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist removed from the board of the National Rifle Association on the grounds that Norquist is a front man for the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic radicals, rolling out a new effort today aimed at mobilizing his listeners who are NRA members to vote to recall Norquist.

As Beck explained on his radio program today, Norquist is a "shill" for the Muslim Brotherhood and "a very shifty man" who has greatly endangered this nation by associating with "really bad people" and vouching for known "terrorists," referring to the bogus claim that Norquist is a secret agent working for the Islamist group.

Norquist is "a really bad mole," Beck said, and therefore it is vitally important that he be removed from the NRA board via this recall effort.

For its part, the NRA is urging members not to remove Norquist from the board, saying that the allegations against him are without "factual support":

... the NRA itself and a "Who's Who" of national conservative leaders have rallied Norquist's defense, saying the allegations are nonsense ... The NRA has examined all the criticisms of Norquist and found them baseless and strongly urged all NRA members to vote "no" on the recall.

"Given the staleness of all allegations [and] the lack of factual support," concluded a special NRA panel, "we disagree with the Petitioner in this case and recommend a NO vote."

Of course, Beck entirely dismissed the NRA's position by asserting that the board was moved to sympathy simply because Norquist wept during an inquiry into the allegations against him, speculating that other board members are afraid that they too will be targeted for removal if the effort against Norquist is successful.

"The board made their recommendation on a couple of things," Beck said. "Grover Norquist cried at the hearing and said, 'Gee, I just don't know why they're coming after me and my family.' And the board looked at him and, I believe, said, 'There by the grace of God go I, it's gonna be me; they come after him then they're going to come after me for something else and anybody can be thrown off the board and it'll be a witch hunt.' That's not true. Grover Norquist is in a special category."