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Glenn Beck Receives 'New Mantle For The Future' From NAR Prophet

Earlier this month we noted how Chuck Pierce, a self-proclaimed modern-day "prophet" and top leader within the New Apostolic Reformation, claimed that his prayer efforts were responsible for the re-election of Gov. Sam Brownback in Kansas. Such accomplishments are nothing new for Pierce, considering that his prayers are so powerful that they have caused earthquakes and captured Saddam Hussein ... and now they are even bringing Glenn Beck into the fold.

Yesterday, Beck attended Pierce's church in Corinth, Texas, where Pierce personally presented him with a "new mantle for the future":

Not surprisingly, the fact that Pierce was presenting such a mantle to a Mormon like Beck caused some alarm among his followers, which prompted Pierce to post a note on his Facebook page today comparing Beck to Cyrus, the Persian king in the Bible who ended Jewish exile and authorized the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem:

At Global Spheres, we are called to host revival.

Concerning Glenn Beck and his family, I enjoyed being with them. Jesus would have done the same. Glenn is a Mormon. However, many prophets have prophesied that those in the Mormon religion will have revival. How would that ever happen without someone like Falma praying and someone like me opening my heart to embrace the opportunity. I honestly know that it is "not by might nor by power but by the Spirit" that any of this can change.

Glenn Beck, like Cyrus has a voice to change this nation. Cyrus had God's mantle to do so. Mr. Beck also has a mantle now that can be used to spread a new fire in this land. He has a heart to see our nation continue to embrace Israel. That is our common ground. If he continues to embrace the God of Israel, then he will eventually know His fullness.

Be blessed today as you pray!

P.S. Yesterday we also had visitors that were Catholic, carnal, and lost. They are all searching. They are all welcome! Romans says, "how can they know without a preacher?"