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Glenn Beck Outrages The Right By Saying Gay Marriage Poses No Threat

Last week, Glenn Beck made news when he said that he didn't think issues like abortion or gay marriage were all that important and didn't pose a threat to the nation.

Needless to say, that is not sitting well with the Right and Beck is now coming under attack from people like David Kupelian, who are accusing him of abandoning core conservative values:

[S]peaking of our founding fathers, Glenn: The three founders you picture daily on your Fox TV show under the heading "Faith. Hope. Charity" – namely Sam Adams, George Washington and Ben Franklin – would have been horrified, appalled and aghast at the mere thought of men marrying men and women marrying women.

If you want to honor the founders, don't abandon their values.

America, you have a choice right now. Hold to what you know deep in your heart is right, even if both your enemies and your friends give you a hard time. Or, take the easy route and be comfortable, but lose your culture, your country, your children, and ultimately your self-respect.

And Joseph Farah is also going after Beck for not understanding the danger of "upsetting God's order":

Beck doesn't care about one of the most blatant and despicable examples of judicial tyranny in the history of our country. He doesn't care about the institution of marriage and its 5,000-year history. He doesn't care that the Bible says God created marriage way back in Genesis and that Jesus affirmed that. He doesn't care that the family is the building block of a society and that smarter men have explained how you simply can't have freedom and self-governance without it. He also doesn't seem to care about what might become of children adopted into such unions.

That, my friends, is the perfect illustration of what's wrong with the materialist worldview – whether it is held by a raving Marxist or a conservative entertainer.

And so is Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute, who accuses Beck of not caring about the impact it is having upon children:

True conservatives need to rethink their cowardly refusal to address the inherent immorality of homosexual practice and their deeply flawed strategy of calling for a moratorium on “social issues.” It’s astonishing that any thinking person could view as non-existential the radical redefinition of marriage and the implications it has for First Amendment speech and religious liberties as well as for parental rights and public education.


The sexual revolution with its severing of sex from marriage and marriage from procreation paved the way for severing marriage from gender. And now we have children being procreated with the deliberate intention of separating them from the biological parents who procreated them. Children are being deliberately denied their self-evident and inalienable right to be raised by the parents who produced them ... Homosexual activists in cahoots with legislators and judges are working feverishly — and successfully — to force public educators to present resources that affirm homosexuality and Gender Identity Disorder as positive and normal to even elementary school children. And Glenn Beck proclaims that homosexual marriage doesn’t hurt America. Apparently, children aren’t part of America in Beck’s World.

Just yesterday Glenn Beck was telling David Barton and Rick Green about how his upcoming "Restoring Honor" rally was, quite literally, being overseen by God and would lead to the next Great Awakening in America. 

But will the Religious Right support his effort now that he appears to be dismissing the social issues that are central to their agenda?